Spock's Tale - Dec update has been posted

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Hi all, We're new to the forums. This is Spock, he's about 5 months old. Yes he's small, he had some parasite issues when we first got him. He's doing well now though and hopefully will start to grow faster now. He should be getting a new 40Gallon home come the holidays.

He still won't eat much veg and usually only if you hand feed it to him. He is eating his phoenix worms and we are getting some dubias in the next few days to see if he'll like those.

Technically he's my daughter's dragon, but once he moves to a larger home, my sons may want to get their own beardie. They want to get a really light colored one so they can name him Data, yes we're one of those weird Trekkie families, we even own jumpsuits.

Anyway, I look forward to sharing Spock with you all.



Gray-bearded Member
He's so precious!!! So happy you're here and we get to watch him grow with you! Oh...and of course...watch as you bring home new additions. Just wait...hahaha!!! Happened to us!

So glad to hear you're trying the dubia! They're great feeders. We actually have a colony here and all three of our reptile babies eat them. Much healthier than the crickets. Sorry to hear he had parasites, my boy did too. I'll find out this week if he's officially cleared or not. Unfortunately, he seems to be going back downhill at the moment but we have our fingers crossed.

Can't wait to see his new home...I bet he will LOVE all the room :)

We, too have a theme of Superheroes in our home ;)


Original Poster
It's been about 3 weeks since our first post and today was weighing day. I'm glad to report our little guy Spock has now grown to 10" and 37gms. Yes, he's still a peanut, but he's going the right direction now. We've made changes to his tank by getting his UVB bulb inside and rearranging his log and rock hide so he's close but not too close. Hopefully my daughter will have enough money from Solstice to upgrade him to a 40g tank like she wants. If not, we'll make sure it happens, our little dude needs more room. He's been getting baths at least once a day, which he's not so happy about, but he gets them anyway. We switched him from phoenix worms to Dubias and he loves them. He perks up and runs back and forth in his tank when he sees us bring the roach bucket in (we have a small critter keeper we use to bring them from their main bucket to where Spock is) there are days he's eaten upwards of 100 small (3/8") dubias. He's still not all that keen about his salad, but is getting a bit better, although he'll only eat it if we hand feed it to him.

My daughter and I are really excited because today we get our shipment of a small breeder colony of roaches from West Coast Roaches. Hopefully in a few months we'll have it up and running. They aren't nearly as "ick" as I thought they'd be.

This is our little guy, hanging with me while his mama went and made his morning salad.


Gray-bearded Member
Awwww! So happy to hear the little man is putting on some weight! He looks lovely :) Dubia are wonderful, good luck! We love our colony, they don't stink, make almost NO noise, and we haven't had any escapee's!


Original Poster
He's perked up so much since we started feeding him the dubia. We've only had one "escapee" and that was because we didn't realize it had hid in Spock's salad bowl. LOL :lol:


Sub-Adult Member
Ugh the escapee dubia freak me out :lol: beautiful pictures though, and I love your daughters pokemon plushies. I used to love that when I was a kid.


Original Poster
Hello all,
My husband and I surprised our daughter with an early Solstice gift (we celebrate Solstice instead of Christmas) and it was a 40G breeder tank for Spock with some new tile for the bottom, and new longer UVB light. He seems to be enjoying the new space, but his mama said she'll have to buy him some more stuff for inside once she gets her next allowance.
Here's two pics of his new home, followed with a pic of our little dude (well we think he's a boy at this point)



Original Poster
All week the little guy seemed hungrier than ever, so I would give him his salad at about 10am (his lights go on at about 8) He would only eat it if I hand feed him piece by piece. The first couple days he'd only take a 1 or two small leaves (about the size of a dime) of collard or mustard greens and one shred of squash. Then next couple days it was up to 3-4 leaves and a shred of squash. Today he ate 5 small leaves, 4 shreds of zucchini and then just now he jumped from his basking log and started noshing away. 5 more leaves, some zucchini and a piece of strawberry. I've never seen him eat from his salad bowl before, it was awesome :blob5:

He's also eating Dubias like they are going out of style. He gets ones that are 3/8"-1/2" and will eat 50 for lunch and 30-40 for dinner. We actually saw parts of his head shedding recently so we know he's growing. We can't wait for our next weigh in day to see what the measurements are.

He still hates his baths, but being the mean ol' grandma that I am, I make him go in there at least once a day for 15-20 minutes.


Original Poster
We have great progress to report this month. Spock has grown 2" and gained 68gms past month. He's officially 12" long and weighs in at 105gms.

He's finally eating his salads without being hand fed and boy oh boy does he love his dubias. We're going to move him to mediums soon now that the space between his eyes is 3/4" The cost of the smalls is about to break the bank considering he eats 120-200 a day.






Original Poster
Today was a weigh in and measurement day. Our little buddy is getting bigger. He's now 14" long and 201gms.
Here's a funny photoshopped picture my husband took of him at Christmas time.
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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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