soon to be owner, couple questions

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Hatchling Member
hi, i am supposed to be getting myself a beautiful new frilled this coming sunday, hes only about 5 inches right now, i plan to build a custom cage when he gets a little bigger but ive been reading that it would be best to keep him in something smaller due to his size so he doesnt get lost in such a large space. my questions are, what would be a good size tank/cage to house a youngin that small and i know it all depends on how fast he grows but roughly how long until he will need a bigger cage, appreciate any help


Extreme Poster
A frilled lizard ? Not a bearded dragon , yes ?

They usually like tall thin enclosures, as they live in the canopies of the trees they hunt and live in. Also, this gives them the idea, they are KING ! lol.

I know someone who has those, and her enclosure is 6' high, 4' wide' 6' long, but hers is a palace!

I would say minimum is the 6' high, 4' wide and 4' long.

Hope this helped !


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
thanks. that enclosure sounds massive, i think if i had that now and put the little guy in it id probalby lose him :lol: i was planning on goin 6hx4wx2 1/2d but if 6x4x4 is recommended then ill go ahead and go with that.

oh, and yes, a frilled lizard not a beardie


Extreme Poster
You are in for such a treat with a frilled... Just wait until he/she gives you the full frill ! Make sure you keep the camera handy !
That sounds just fine !
Janie :)


New member
hey there,
congrats on getting your frillie,their quite abit different then raising beardies thats for sure,requiring alot more space,besides our 40+ Beardies (plus thirty eggs cooking)and Mountain Horned Dragons,we got a frillie.Bought as a pair,within weeks are male died,and the female came close to dying also,but where able to nurse her back,hand feeding her,so where now looking for another male,she's been eating real good now for afew weeks and is in a shedding.Heres a pic of the enclosure I built for them.more pics on our flickr site of the frillie and Beardies,flickr name is ," dragonslare". As babies their alot jumppier than beardie's.



Joe M.
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LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol
The head tilt tho! Aaaahhh
LarryTheLizard wrote on SaraJean's profile.
happy birthday :)

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