Smile and say roach....

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Is it even ok to bring beardies outside? I've brought Mirage out in a backpack (one for beardies of course!) and he seems to enjoy it. I'd love to let him run around in the grass though. I thought of getting some sort of mesh playpen for him? One with an open bottom, then putting a canopy over the top?
I have a ferret nation ferret cage I use outside. It works great but the plastic trays are black and get really hot so I cover them with fleece throws. I also keep it situated on the patio so that half the width is in the shade so they can get out of the sun if they need to. The bars are close enough together that they can't get their heads out and nothing big enough to attack them can't get in.


Juvie Member
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I have a ferret nation ferret cage I use outside. It works great but the plastic trays are black and get really hot so I cover them with fleece throws. I also keep it situated on the patio so that half the width is in the shade so they can get out of the sun if they need to. The bars are close enough together that they can't get their heads out and nothing big enough to attack them can't get in.
Thanks for the help yall!


Juvie Member
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Happy as a pig in....


Juvie Member
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Photoshoot lol

"Don't worry darling, we'll fix that dry scale in post"

She's at least making attempts to use the tub as a bathroom. But like my son, she keeps missing lol
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