Sleepy Beardie?


Beardie name(s)

My beardie seems to be sleeping in a bit more than usual. She's always been a bit lazy but I'm having to get her out of bed myself. Want to make sure I'm not missing anything. I put all lighting, tank, and beardie details in my profile if you want to see my setup.

  • If I put her in her basking area she is perky and watches me work all day.
  • If I let her outside the tank she runs around fine.
  • Tank temps seem fine
  • Humidity seems fine
  • I noticed her stool was more watery so I took a stool sample in for testing and it came back negative. It's been watery before and returned to normal, she usually has pretty healthy firm stool.
  • In terms of eating, she's a little less ferocious than usual but still eating about 10-20 crickets a week and 2-3 bowls of collards a week. She'll always take a blue berry lol but we try to only give her one of those every 2 weeks.
  • About 2 weeks ago she had some face shed, maybe tired from that?
She's been kind of lazy ever since I adopted her, so maybe it's just her personality? I've noticed sometimes she'll be kind of sleepy for 2 weeks then suddenly feisty and energetic for a few days. So maybe it's her normal routine?

Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing any other signs. It's my first beardie and we love her dearly.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4

My beardie seems to be sleeping in a bit more than usual. She's always been a bit lazy but I'm having to get her out of bed myself. Want to make sure I'm not missing anything. I put all lighting, tank, and beardie details in my profile if you want to see my setup.

  • If I put her in her basking area she is perky and watches me work all day.
  • If I let her outside the tank she runs around fine.
  • Tank temps seem fine
  • Humidity seems fine
  • I noticed her stool was more watery so I took a stool sample in for testing and it came back negative. It's been watery before and returned to normal, she usually has pretty healthy firm stool.
  • In terms of eating, she's a little less ferocious than usual but still eating about 10-20 crickets a week and 2-3 bowls of collards a week. She'll always take a blue berry lol but we try to only give her one of those every 2 weeks.
  • About 2 weeks ago she had some face shed, maybe tired from that?
She's been kind of lazy ever since I adopted her, so maybe it's just her personality? I've noticed sometimes she'll be kind of sleepy for 2 weeks then suddenly feisty and energetic for a few days. So maybe it's her normal routine?

Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing any other signs. It's my first beardie and we love her dearly.
Could be the heat / weather - mine has been more off and on this summer as well - sleeping in his hide more - cool side of the tank -- I would use only one UVB in the tank and get the 24 watt UVB instead of the 17 watt -- everything else sounds fine - also you could switch up the diet w/ different greens like turnip mustard or kale -- offer her some super worms horn worms or meal worms butter worms for treats as well
Beardie name(s)
Buddy Boy The Bearded Beetlebelly Squiggles
I agree with KarrieRee. My bearded dragon has also been a bit sleepier than normal this summer. However, when he sits in the real sun light for 10 minutes he gets all energetic and climbs on my shoulder. It might be also that in their natural habitat (Australia) it is winter right now, and some bearded dragons brumate in winter. They might just be a little confused and sleepy about their natural insitincts kicking in when it's the middle of summer here and in Australia it's winter.
Hope this was helpful!


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Thank you! Glad to know it's not just mine. I'll keep an eye on her weight. Does yours stool ever loosen up randomly? We had her tested for parasites and it was negative.

So my uv lights sit towards the back of the cage, no screen. So, she's not always directly under the bulb, but rather the spill off. Should I still reduce to a lighter bulb?

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Thank you! Glad to know it's not just mine. I'll keep an eye on her weight. Does yours stool ever loosen up randomly? We had her tested for parasites and it was negative.

So my uv lights sit towards the back of the cage, no screen. So, she's not always directly under the bulb, but rather the spill off. Should I still reduce to a lighter bulb?
What is the distance from uvb to basking decor - the uvb is not on the wall is it? Reduce what bulb?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Which UVB light are you using?
There are a lot of dragons who tend to want to brumate in the late spring to early summer. Our dragon is sleeping now, also!
I have had several dragons who brumated in the spring to summer time frame.
I tend to think that they are innately tuned to their homeland, Australia, so they by instinct brumate during the winter there, when it is the summer here.
Monitor her weight, to be sure she holds her weight & doesn't lose too much & appear dehydrated.
Since she is free of worms & parasites, she should be healthy & be able to brumate without any issues. She probably wont sleep for too long.
How old is she? It is possible she could be developing eggs. If she is still eating, she is probably just slowing down some but should come out of it soon.


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