- Beardie name(s)
- Fiona
My beardie seems to be sleeping in a bit more than usual. She's always been a bit lazy but I'm having to get her out of bed myself. Want to make sure I'm not missing anything. I put all lighting, tank, and beardie details in my profile if you want to see my setup.
Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing any other signs. It's my first beardie and we love her dearly.
My beardie seems to be sleeping in a bit more than usual. She's always been a bit lazy but I'm having to get her out of bed myself. Want to make sure I'm not missing anything. I put all lighting, tank, and beardie details in my profile if you want to see my setup.
- If I put her in her basking area she is perky and watches me work all day.
- If I let her outside the tank she runs around fine.
- Tank temps seem fine
- Humidity seems fine
- I noticed her stool was more watery so I took a stool sample in for testing and it came back negative. It's been watery before and returned to normal, she usually has pretty healthy firm stool.
- In terms of eating, she's a little less ferocious than usual but still eating about 10-20 crickets a week and 2-3 bowls of collards a week. She'll always take a blue berry lol but we try to only give her one of those every 2 weeks.
- About 2 weeks ago she had some face shed, maybe tired from that?
Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing any other signs. It's my first beardie and we love her dearly.