- Beardie name(s)
- Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
With the heating pads it's hit or miss. I prefer ones that don't shut off automatically because I keep my house cool and sometimes I forget to turn it back on. I also don't like ones that get really hot. Overheating can be dangerous with the really hot pads.Also what type of blanket do you use.I have a fluffy soft white one that I wrap around him but he always wiggles out I have to wait like 20 minutes before his body tempeture goes down and he starts to find a place to burrow into me, but before that if i take him out instantly its almost impossible to get him right into a burrito
I don't wrap my guys like a burrito, I do like @NickAVD and just drape the pad over them.
If your beardie still has energy to burn, let him/her do so for a few minutes. Generally they'll find someplace and settle down. At that point snuggle your beardie up and enjoy