Lets get some one to help you out!
As for myself, I just let my beardie fall asleep inside the tank. Near lights out he will go into his hide and dig around in his moss before falling asleep. In my opinion you should just do whatever you feel comfortable with
I do the same. Also, because how his enclosure is structured, I could not get him out "before bedtime" - then either he still basks and prefers to sit under the lamp, or is already hiding. Also, my dragon doesn't stay long on me; 1 - 5 min, then he wants down, either going exploring or straight back to his enclosure waiting for me to let him in.
But, as beardies are different: You could try what xp29 describes. Maybe your dragon is into it.
There are likely tons of things where one beardie owner says there dragons are totally into it and another just wonders... Like I've read here about dragons not using any caves or hides - tell that Taco

(he is using hides and caves daily, if not multiple times a day and "could not live without it")