Single swollen eye

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Hatchling Member
Happy Valentine’s Day to all. Good day to tell y’all that I do love you and this forum.
It has been 5 wonderful years since I found Lizzie by the side of the road. I still chuckle when I see in mind the hilarious scene where two grown adults are wearing g garden gloves and armed with a box try to recur the scary wildlife!
Cute Lizzie in bath

Upclose left eye closed

Upclose eye open

When Lizzie has a normal eye

When I first noticed eye and documented it

Lizzie ct scan after I first noticed it

Peace all
Lizzie and I


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Swollen salivary glands
Probably more imaging would need to be done.
She has had it for 5yrs so it’s probably not a malignant tumor-which generally grow faster.
But I suppose it could be a benign tumor growing slowly in a small space too.
Needs more testing. None of the surgery I saw online for cephalic aneurysms looked fun. I have appt with the vet rec by who published reports of aneurysm clipping and generally a well respected figure in herpetology. Will post when I now more.
Thanks :)

kingofnobbys Sicko
if it is an aneurism , make sure the vet harvests a bit of her blood for storage over several weeks so she wont succumb to blood loss when they operate on her, she'll need a lot of blood transfusions during surgery.

I lost my Puff in recovery after surgery to repair his aneurism , he never came home.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I’m so sorry about your beardies surgery :(. We pour so much love in them. Thank you for the adviceZ it’s noted and I will insist if it comes to surgery.
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