Silliest Beardie Moment

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Hello, all! As we all know, our bearded friends are bursting with personality. Over the past 9 years my home has been filled with the crazy antics of three of these little critters. My newest one, Apollo, seems to like to waddle around his tank with a leaf on his head. I blame myself for putting one on him when I was feeding him one day. I'm sure the rest of you have your own stories to share, so let's hear them! What was your silliest beardie moment?
Zoi seems to think she can fly, except she really only jumps about as well a toddler. I have had to catch her more times than I can count :shock:
Well for me there is too many, guess ill pick one lol 8)

tom apparently has made it her mission to annoy me as much as possible.

long story short, she runs through her salad making a HUGE mess of her habitat. :angry5:

then when i take her out to clean the mess, (as mentioned above) thinks she can fly and jumps. lol :lol:

Tonja Addict
I have two dragons. Emmett is pretty calm and mellow in and out of his tank. But my Emily is a housekeeper. She wants her tank the way she wants it and will rearrange it to suit her needs or wants. I can have it spotless with everything in its place and minutes later I hear her bumping around rearranging her things. Emily has a canopy bed I made for her and her pillows have to be just so, her blanket just right and she has to have a chair at the end of her bed so her tail is off the floor when she sleeps. If her chair is not at the end of her bed she will nose it into place. She also has been known to kick her poohs to under her bed, out of sight out of mind. I do clean her tank daily but her pooh has no smell to it or very very slight so I had no idea she was doing this till I went to deep clean her tank and found all her pooh under her bed and her looking quite proud of herself and her housekeeping.


Hatchling Member
Just the other night I was eating apple slices with caramel. I set the caramel down on a plate on my couch, between my laptop and my bearded dragon Damien who was sitting on the far end. Got up to use the bathroom. Came back to find Damien gone, and a trail of caramel leading from the plate to my laptop, and a caramel-covered lizard soaking up the warmth from my keyboard. You can bet I was mad. :evil: Had to scrub her for 15 minutes just to get that caramel off...

Aaaand one time she tried to crawl through the wrapper of a 12pk water case and got stuck, then wiggled around the living room like a snake till I rescued her.


Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is so cute, I am sure she had a lot of fun mulling through the caramel as well as the wrapper too.
It must have been some work getting her clean, too. :D



Damieboo":ej1tvuwi said:
Just the other night I was eating apple slices with caramel. I set the caramel down on a plate on my couch, between my laptop and my bearded dragon Damien who was sitting on the far end. Got up to use the bathroom. Came back to find Damien gone, and a trail of caramel leading from the plate to my laptop, and a caramel-covered lizard soaking up the warmth from my keyboard. You can bet I was mad. :evil: Had to scrub her for 15 minutes just to get that caramel off...

Aaaand one time she tried to crawl through the wrapper of a 12pk water case and got stuck, then wiggled around the living room like a snake till I rescued her.


The wrapper bit made me lol!


Juvie Member
I like the caramel-coated beardie story!

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment followed by 12 hours at work, and didn't have time for Jayden's morning snuggles. This morning he was pulling up the shelf liner from the bottom of his cage, glass dancing, shoving his decorations everywhere, darkening his beard, and puffing his beard in and out. It was a real beardie temper tantrum. I picked him up and held him, and he immediately snuggled down and made happy beardie bubble noises. After some snuggles he was just fine, and now I have to fix up his viv. It looks like a tornado hit it. :shock:


Juvie Member
Striker hasn't done anything really "silly"; too much of a lady, I think.
Eri, on the other hand, is such a goofball! Refused to use his hide for brumating this year, and instead decided that the perfect bed was underneath a stuffie. Every time I'd put him back after food and baths, he'd knock Sylvester (Looney Tunes cat) over on top of himself and pass out again. Now that brumation is over, Sylvester makes a better basking spot than the log, even though he's farther from the bulb. Can't argue with beardie logic, I suppose.
Just one of many antics.
I love how our dragons are all so unique and have such different "beardsonalities"!!


I have only had my guy for about a month and he has such a big personality. He thinks he can walk through glass and trees to get back into his tank. It never ends well as his tank sits about 3 feet above the flore. Silly dragon.


Mort is pretty calm too, so hasn't had one clearly silly antic yet. But she loves her morning cuddles under my fleece jacket. If she's really moody, like today (shedding), then she retreat all the way and put her face in my armpit. Which obviously I find adorable. :)

She also can't climb *anything*. Totally useless climber, she just slides off everything. Shoulder, chair, branches, my head. Cracks me up every time.


Hatchling Member
I had just fed Baby 6 superworms in one sitting. Well I guess she wasn't satisfied because I left the room for 5 minutes and came back to find her sitting on top of her cat hut like it was no big deal. The only way she can get up there is by jumping (can't climb the sides). When I went over to pick her up, she scrabbled down the blanket and ran between my legs across the room to where I had my other beardie's lay box still set up from when I thought she was laying eggs. Baby promptly climbed inside and started gulping down mouthfuls of sand while I ran over yelling NO NO NO!

Figured I should dump out the lay box. While I was doing that, I let Baby roam around the room, but she spent most of her time trying to eat the carpet which is coincidentally also sand-colored. She wouldn't last a day in the wild. :roll:

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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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