

I'm from the UK. My local reptile shop which is literally so good and has everything, knows a lot and has a huge collection of reptiles including snakes, water dragons etc.

However, they've recently got Silkworms in, they said they do did quickly. Just wondering how to keep them alive more than a few days, it's not massively important though as I won't get them often even though they're a good staple but £4.50 for 6 silkworms is expensive.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
They should be in cultures same as hornworms. They eat mulberry chow

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Even as food you have to feed them. One downside to pets that eat insects. The insects are like having a whole other pet. The worms will not grow with out food. You can order the mulberry chow on line. I was also told a couple weeks ago by a local guy that breeds silkworms they grow better under a uvb light, but i haven't tested it yet.


Original Poster
Even as food you have to feed them. One downside to pets that eat insects. The insects are like having a whole other pet. The worms will not grow with out food. You can order the mulberry chow on line. I was also told a couple weeks ago by a local guy that breeds silkworms they grow better under a uvb light, but i haven't tested it yet.

Ye I feed my insects, I've only just got Silkworms for the first time but I couldn't find anywhere as they only eat mulberry. I'll check online. But I won't get them often, I've already fed 4 out the 6 so only got 2 left and £4.50 for 6 I won't be buying them often.

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