Hi, I’ve been ordering silkworm cups to feed my beardie and I just read something alarming and wanted to see if I could get some more follow up.
Silkworms certainly take work to keep alive - I clean out their cup every day. I do lose some of seemingly every cup, but my supplier will always send extra so I was okay with it.
I was doing more research on silkworm keeping today and I discovered that their bodies turning into goo when they die is actually a virus.
I haven’t fed Ernie any dead worms (duh!!!!) but I’ve been feeding him worms from the same batches. I read somewhere this can make reptiles sick, then saw someone refute it.
Any input? Ernie is acting moody and hiding a lot lately so I’m also paranoid something is wrong. But he is eating and pooping and getting his bask on and such.
Please help, any advice - Ernie is our second beardie, our first passed away from mysterious issues before the age of two so we are always worried and would love some community input.
Silkworms certainly take work to keep alive - I clean out their cup every day. I do lose some of seemingly every cup, but my supplier will always send extra so I was okay with it.
I was doing more research on silkworm keeping today and I discovered that their bodies turning into goo when they die is actually a virus.
I haven’t fed Ernie any dead worms (duh!!!!) but I’ve been feeding him worms from the same batches. I read somewhere this can make reptiles sick, then saw someone refute it.
Any input? Ernie is acting moody and hiding a lot lately so I’m also paranoid something is wrong. But he is eating and pooping and getting his bask on and such.
Please help, any advice - Ernie is our second beardie, our first passed away from mysterious issues before the age of two so we are always worried and would love some community input.