my boyfriend and i recently got 3 babies, unsure of their age, when i went to pick them up the girl selling them to me said that one wasnt acting normal, well the entire ride home he didnt move or open his eyes.... we get him home and hes still not moving, he is breathing, he just looks like hes asleep. so we get them into their new home and the other 2 have their heads up looking at us but the third one still isnt moving. so i go to pick him up and set him in with the others and he opens his eyes and moves a lil so i set him down he looks ok for a couple min then goes back to sleep, when hes asleep hes totally out you can pick him up and he doesnt really move he might twist a tiny bit but thats it....for the last 2 days ( thats how long we've had them ) ive seen him awake a max of 5 min all together . he climbed in the water for a lil bit propped his head on the edge and went to sleep , climbed out and went back to sleep , tried to get on a rock and made it half way up and went to sleep, meanwhile the other 2 are normal , looking around eating a lot, the other weird thing is i notice he seems to hold his breath a lot and i think he slightly plays dead maybe because ive seen him awake and then he heard someone and he closed his eyes, and the last thing he did that worried me is for about a min he looked like he was trying to run backwards except he was kinda twitching his front feet then he stopped and went to sleep =( ...... im just worried about the sleepy one .... any one have any ideas on something to do ? anything?