Sick Leopard Gecko

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Hatchling Member
I'll start from the beginning. After I got Gator, my first female leopard gecko, my family fell in love. my lil bro wanted one and my mom's co-worker's brother had one that he had had for 6 years. he didn't want so we got it. she was in a 20 gallon long tank with PINK sand :roll: ! anyway, she was tiny, 5 inches, thin, and had lost 15 toes due to shedding problems. My bro couldn't take care of her so she came to me. He named her Gecka. then she stopped eating completely. My brother offered her butter worms and she ate them. he gave her so many, she had to throw up :cry: . that was 6-7 months ago. She now eats mealworms 1 a week, she still wouldn't eat any more than that. I have her in a 5 gallon tank b/c my bro and sis's hamsters need it more than her. she rarely moves. I'm going to buy a 10 gal soon. she's 44 grams. I think her growth has been stunted :cry: .

Thanks in advance guys!

P.S. there is a reptile vet near by but its $70 JUST FOR A LOOK! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

AHBD Sicko
It's highly likely that she's impacted. Is she pooing at all ? If you turn her over to look at her belly can you see the outline of her intestines ? Sometimes with leo's you can actually see the calcium sand in the G.I. tract visible through the skin.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
she has been pooing, so I don't think she is impacted. I have her on paper towels and she will drink water off of it, but not from a bowl. I don't see any eggs. I think her growth was stunted cause shes 5 inches

AHBD Sicko
O.K., good that she's pooing and yes she's def. stunted. You do need to have a small water bowl though, leos are nocturnal and will drink at night while you're sleeping. Mealworms aren't a good diet, get her some small/medium crickets and disable them a bit so she can catch them easily. Phoenix or calcium worms as well.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
:D Thanks AHBD! I'll change her diet ASAP. I want only the best for my animals and HATE to see ANY animal suffer :cry:.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
UPDATE: She's not much better. She is 42 grams. I just ordered the crickets Sunday. She is more active and more calm. :)

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I hope she gets better!
You mentioned that she had been housed on pink sand, correct?
How large are the stools she has? They can be impacted & still go to the bathroom. If you
feel that is a possibility, I would recommend trying to get some canned pumpkin, sugar free
applesauce along with a drop of olive or coconut oil to give to her daily. That can help to
move things through a little bit.
Is she very active right now though?



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I REALLY don't thing she's impacted cause it was more gravel, but I'll try it. Yes, she is active. She is starting a shed now. Her poops are a normal size, but VERY dry :( . Does anyone thing that the pumkin apple sauce thing would help hydrate her? Thx for the tips Tracie :D !


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I don't have apple sauce, could I do with out? Also, how much pumpkin (and apple sauce, when I get it)?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Would 1/4 cup pumpkin (100% pure), a drop of olive oil, fed through a dropper work?

P.S. thanks for the replies!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Yes, absolutely, the pumpkin & a drop of olive oil would work, using a plastic dropper.
Just drip it onto the end of his nose. He hopefully will like the flavor of it, too.
Ok, well that is good news then. Hopefully she isn't impacted any at all. It sounds like
she is a bit dehydrated so the pumpkin, along with some olive oil could help get the GI
tract moving better & adding hydration, too.
Let us know how she is doing.
Oh, shedding is always good!



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
So... I just tried the pumpkin olive oil thing 10 minutes ago and..... she took it!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D . She didn't want it at first, so I took her out of her tank and:
Took a dish towel
Placed half of it on my lap (leaving other half hanging down my knee)
Placed her on my lap
Took the other half and placed it over her, making a cave (she likes the dark)
Opened the "cave" so I could see her
Place a bit on her nose
Wait 1-5 mins for her to lick it

She ate about 1/2 a teaspoon :) . I'm hoping she will eat more day by day. Thank you SO much Tracie for saving my baby! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D !
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