I'll start from the beginning. After I got Gator, my first female leopard gecko, my family fell in love. my lil bro wanted one and my mom's co-worker's brother had one that he had had for 6 years. he didn't want so we got it. she was in a 20 gallon long tank with PINK sand :roll: ! anyway, she was tiny, 5 inches, thin, and had lost 15 toes due to shedding problems. My bro couldn't take care of her so she came to me. He named her Gecka. then she stopped eating completely. My brother offered her butter worms and she ate them. he gave her so many, she had to throw up . that was 6-7 months ago. She now eats mealworms 1 a week, she still wouldn't eat any more than that. I have her in a 5 gallon tank b/c my bro and sis's hamsters need it more than her. she rarely moves. I'm going to buy a 10 gal soon. she's 44 grams. I think her growth has been stunted .
Thanks in advance guys!
P.S. there is a reptile vet near by but its $70 JUST FOR A LOOK! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
I'll start from the beginning. After I got Gator, my first female leopard gecko, my family fell in love. my lil bro wanted one and my mom's co-worker's brother had one that he had had for 6 years. he didn't want so we got it. she was in a 20 gallon long tank with PINK sand :roll: ! anyway, she was tiny, 5 inches, thin, and had lost 15 toes due to shedding problems. My bro couldn't take care of her so she came to me. He named her Gecka. then she stopped eating completely. My brother offered her butter worms and she ate them. he gave her so many, she had to throw up . that was 6-7 months ago. She now eats mealworms 1 a week, she still wouldn't eat any more than that. I have her in a 5 gallon tank b/c my bro and sis's hamsters need it more than her. she rarely moves. I'm going to buy a 10 gal soon. she's 44 grams. I think her growth has been stunted .
Thanks in advance guys!
P.S. there is a reptile vet near by but its $70 JUST FOR A LOOK! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: