Sick dragon but all tests normal

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Original Poster
Thank you. Yes, I think she was ready. IShe could barely open her eyes yesterday, but when she did I could see that she was ready. I can rest knowing she's finally at peace.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I was still researching this & was going to check in last night & saw the Camo had passed away. :cry: I feel horrible, I am so sorry that you lost her. If you need anything, we are all here for you.



Original Poster
Thank you Tracie. I really appreciate all of the help you have offered. We got a new baby this weekend. His name is Maximus, not totally sure that he's a boy, but our new vet says she thinks he is. He checked out healthy and we bought an entirely new setup, as we didn't want to chance him getting the Cryptosporidium.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I hope that your new dragon will be healthy for you!
Maximums is a nice name for him, have you posted pictures of him yet? I hope he is doing well & settling in good also.
Let us know how things go with your new dragon.


AHBD Sicko
I look forward to seeing pics of Maximus as well. :) If at some point you want to post a few pics with his tail arched up I can check see if Max is a boy or girl.


Original Poster
That is Maximus :) We are still trying to get him warmed up to us, he's not comfortable with being held just yet. His check up at the vet went well and she said she believes that he's a boy, but he's still very young. Once he'll actually let us hold him I will upload a pic with his tail up.
He eats very well and has already picked up in the feeding schedule we do, he runs to the door for crickets and greens! Such a smart little guy :)

AHBD Sicko
Happy picture of a happy dragon....sounds like he's adjusting well and he looks like a little prince already. :)


Original Poster
He's already so spoiled lol :) I can't wait til he'll actually be comfortable with us handling him!
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