Sick dragon but all tests normal

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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is she doing today?
Do you know when you are supposed to receive the biopsy results back?
I can understand wanting to observe her after an invasive type of surgery & biopsy.
I am glad to hear she is all clear of impactions now, thankfully. Are they keeping her on an all soft/liquid diet right now until she heals up internally?
Maybe it is just a genetic thing & not her liver or kidney you can hope. You know, perhaps her intestines have more a curve than normal which makes it harder for her to pass certain things. It is just a thought.
If she does have any liver issues, you can start her on milk thistle or serrapeptase for help with liver function. It sounds like she is doing quite well after her ordeal & I hope she can come home soon.



Original Poster
She's doing much better today, they said she is very alert and sitting up and moving around, so that's definitely good. They said it's possible she may get to come home tomorrow. It depends on what the doctors decide during morning rounds.

They said it can take 2 weeks to get the biopsy results back, the doctor has been checking her emails regularly for them, hoping they'll be in, but nothing yet. Next Tuesday will be 2 weeks so we should know something soon.

She is being kept on her critical care mixture, I was having a lot of trouble getting her to eat it at home after her surgery unless i added a lot of water and made it very soupy, but I assume that's because she was so dehydrated.

I'm staying hopeful that this has all stemmed from something that is treatable. She's such a little fighter and has been through so much. I just want her healthy and thriving. She deserves it.


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Well, not good news.

The biopsy results show that Camo has Cryptosporidium in her stomach. Evidently it's an organism that has invaded and the vet said there is no cure.

I can pick her up this afternoon. I was told to keep feeding her critical care mixture and giving her water until she refuses to take it. At some point within the next few months they said she will probably start refusing it and vomiting. When that happens and her quality of life is no longer good, I will have to make a decision I do not want to make.

I'm going to do my best to make sure these next few months are the best that they can be for her.


Original Poster
Thank you for that link. I did tell my vet about that and she said that nothing conclusive has been proven. But according to that link and another that I found it seems that it does help some.
I felt as if I was being brushed off in a way today, as if they had already given up on her. I haven't though. I'm going to call another vet Monday and see if they will be willing to help me with this medication.

AHBD Sicko
You're welcome.....maybe another vet will be more helpful or show more insight about using that medication. No need to give up if there's a chance to get her some help + you're willing to try. :)


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I am willing to try anything that could help her, I just need to find a vet that is too. I'm pretty persistent when it comes to my family, Camo is one of my babies and I won't give up on her :)

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh I am sorry to hear that she has crypto, that is somewhat rare, usually snakes & geckos are more prone to that.
I would not give up, as you could try alternative or homeopathic type of routes. Colloidal silver is very good for helping all types of ailments. It is an antibacterial/antimicrobial agents & treats a broad range of things.
Let me see if I can do any research on it & read in my medical books to see what else can be done.
So that is why she was not digesting well then, poor girl. How is she holding up?
Is she sleeping well?
I am sure that she is going to get tired of the runny critical care, too.

Let us know how she is doing.


Original Poster
Thank you Tracie! She's s sleeping pretty well. She's not vomiting because of it yet nor does she have diarrhea, which were two things they told me she would end up doing because of this.
She seems uncomfortable, but i think that's because if the surgery site because she was not that way before her surgery. And they gave her pain medication during her stay at the vet and she was not uncomfortable there.

I would appreciate any research you could do on this. I've been doing some as well, but all I have to use is Google.

I did try the colloidal silver a few weeks back with her, but 12 hours after one dose she had either explosive diarrhea or vomited, i couldn't tell which one it was but it was everywhere. Is that a side effect of colloidal silver? What about Asidophilis (not sure in spelling), would that maybe help in her situation?


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I called a vet this morning in hopes that they would be willing to help. She returned my call this afternoon and she is more than willing to help Camo. In meeting her in the morning to pick up a different type of critical care mix, she said it has more of the bug proteins that Camo needs and is better for her long term wise than the normal critical care and less likely to cause impaction, since Camo has already partially impacted in critical care mixture.

She us going to see Camo next Saturday and is more than willing to take a look at other research that has been done and will prescribe the medication Paromomycin.

She seems much more informed on Cryptosporidium and I am hopeful that if Camo can be helped along this vet will help her. Fingers crossed for my Camo girl!

AHBD Sicko
That all sounds good, just what you needed to hear. :) Hopefully things will go smoothly and there will be a good outcome !


Original Poster
Camo took a very bad turn today.
She became lifeless and her little body was just limp. She began vomiting this evening a little, which progressed into a lot, and then she almost did what i would call convulse onto her side while trying to vomit more, but choking at the same time.
I picked her up and she was totally limp, no reaction to even being picked up, except trying her hardest to open her eyes to look at me when she heard my voice.
I believed she was trying to tell me she couldn't do this anymore. I called the vet and was told to bring her in. They agreed with what I was thinking and said putting her to sleep was the best decision at this point. My poor girl just had no more fight left in her anymore. This was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made, but even though it's been a painful evening I do feel we have done what was most humane for Camo. My sweet girl isn't suffering anymore, but she will be forever missed.

I thank you all for the information you have shared with me and for helping. I appreciate it so much.

AHBD Sicko
Oh no, I just can't tell you how sorry I am. How very sad for you + Camo. That was a very bad turn of events and I think you did the right thing. So sad, please accept my sympathy. :(
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