Should I wake up my beardie during brumation?


Original Poster
My dragon Sun Scorcher has completely buried herself in a burrow she dug for brumation. It’s been two weeks since she began her deep sleep, and I wonder if I should wake her up to offer her some water. She’s likely going to stay in there for a few months. Since it’s difficult to drop water on her nose while she’s nestled deep in her burrow, as shown in the picture. Should I leave her alone or wake her up to provide some hydration?


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CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
If she is healthy and the brumation cycle is normal for her, I'd probably let her be for a while. They tend to wake up a little bit on their own at times. When that happens, I usually take a weight measurement and offer some water. I don't think it would really be harmful to wake her up before that, but if everything else is OK then it might not be needed.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
I have a very similar looking setup (such substrate, the plants, the branch, a climbable background - yes!), and also my bearded dragon Taco brumated in a cave he dug himself. I intentionally have no huts that can be lifted up, but deep substrate and hiding spots just like in your dragon's enclosure enabling the dragon to dig a burrow just in nature and also preventing me from being tempted to simply "take a look how he does".

I did not dig up/ wake up my bearded dragon. What I did was on warmer and brighter days when he came out a bit (that's a normal, natural behavior during brumation - usually just he head or his body up to the front feet, but not more, was sticking out) I dropped some water on him.
I was able to see somewhat in his cave that he is alive, slowly breathing (normal) and not getting thinner, so I let him be. I would also guess being dug up during brumation would be kind of traumatic - like being dug up by a predator, even if he then recognizes it's just you.

Btw.: Love your setup :)

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