Should I get a second Beardie?

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I realize there's another post about this not too long ago.

I have a female beardie and she is one this month (October). She is actually brumating right now (it's the only reason I can come up with for her current lethargy). But otherwise she is a very healthy, docile, and sweet little girl.

However, I'm at work alot during the day, I really only get to see her in the evening and on weekends. I was wondering if I should get her a friend. I wouldn't want to get her a male I don't think, I'm not sure I'm prepared to deal with a pregnant lizard. But do you think, if I found a similarly mellow beardie, that they could live together harmoniously?

Also how big would my enclosure have to be for 2 beardies?



Extreme Poster
It is generally not recommended to house multiple dragons. Not everyone has luck with housing more than one dragon together. Those who do, I am not sure if the dragons were babies together or how they introduced them. I am really no help here.
There are a few members on this board who house females together. Hopefully they will have some words of wisdom for you.


Sub-Adult Member
Hi...I am one of the ones who houses females together. However, all of them were babies together. You would be taking a very bad chance of your dragon hurting a new one. Right now she is queen of the house & they don't share that position easily. It would definitely stress your girl and might end up baadly.

Even with starting my girls together as babies, I had a problem with one of my girls chasing her tank mate & nipping her on her neck. She left a small wound, so I separated them because there have been many instances on here of newbies putting more than one in a tank, and a tail gets chewed off, a foot chewed off, and a few deaths. I wasn't willing to chance that happening.

Just make sure your have a large smaller than a 40 gallon breeder (18" wide instead of 13") so she can run around. And put a couple of things for her to climb on. She will be better off than with a new kid.
Good luck
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