Shed in Ear


Sub-Adult Member
This is in his ear. Shed. I realized that there was some shed outside his ear. It flaked off outside around his ear. Now it's there and I don't want to mess with his ear.
No, I did not pull the shed off his ear. I did not use tweezers. No, I did not even touch his ear. I just looked at it with a magnifying glass. He did dunk his head in the water so that could have prompted it to show. I'm also not going to mess with it. If it's shed, I'm going to leave it be. I've been told it's a protective film over his eardrum.
Someone said that he ruptured his ear drum. (No puss present from the ear. Not for months. At all.)
This is possibly shed and it's not ready to come out yet.


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Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Update: He is aware of it. Because when I looked 'thoroughly' around his ear with a magnifying glass, there were some other shed signs on his outer ear. It's not ready to come out yet. He also tried to rub his ear against my hand and shirt. I don't want to use water around his ear. Nor do I want to burst his eardrum. I know how painful it is. I have had burst eardrums and it's not a walk in the park. Pain. He seems to be alright now. Falling asleep on me. Shed can be a pain in the butt.

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