Sexing dragons with flashlight?

beardie Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Btw, I'm still seeking a couple pictures, of this (originals, not someone else's), if anyone would be willing to take them and provide them to me to put into an updating "Sexing" article.


beardie Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Awesome! Thanks! If you could email it to me (email address should be linked to the right, or at least on my profile page), that would be great! Highest resolution possible (original in a ZIP file would be good to ensure email programs don't rewrite it).
I had to comment here b/c after ALL this time (since May 2015) I think that Milla is actually Milo. I *think* there are 2 bumps by the tail. I want to do the flashlight test later today.

So that means Fred is a female (who my nieces and nephew were told was a boy, but is a girl!), and Milla, who I was told was a female, is male. hah.

This does make sense though. M is much bigger than Fred, has a thick tail, and gets black-beard, head-bobby, and tries everything to get to Fred.

Perhaps a name change is in order.


Juvie Member
for those having trouble you can try what egg candlers do, they make a paper or cardboard cutout and place it on the flashlight or in front of the light.


Good morning. Uh sexing with a flashlight. If my supervisor made an error in naming me, we would only change one letter in my name and go about our lives having fun. (Mrjaws to Msjaws). My supervisor is now looking for a flashlight to do his investigation. This is humiliating.


Ive recently purchased New beardies (all around 2 months) buying them I've known their sex, however to confirm it myself I tried the flashlight method and it gave me a 100% confirmation of their sex. I suggest using a light from some sort of pen that lights up at the end or those smaller lights that you click. and directly place the light behind your beardies tail for better results ! :blob5:

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