Sewerfest is this sunday! in Sturtevant (Racine) Wisconsin

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Hatchling Member
I hope to see a bunch of you out at Sewerfest this sunday! Nov 13TH. Stop by my booth and say HI I'll have the blue tubs...

SEWERFest began in 2001 as a small Midwestern Reptile show. Since then, the annual Sale and Fest has grown in popularity and remains a Summertime (and now Fall!) favorite:

Includes a wide variety of diverse captive bred animals
Features quality breeders across Wisconsin, the Midwest, and all over the United States
A great opportunity to see & learn about animals rarely seen in zoos or museums that can be fun for the whole family

The show is set in a banquet hall featuring an on-site ATM, restrooms, and in true Wisconsin style - a bar. *Come on out to the Fountain Banquet Hall and check it out!

Hope this is the right place to post this!
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I can’t wait to see Dr.Wilson be a big dragon but I try to cherish hard the moments while he still fits in my hand 🦎
It’s been a month since I’ve joined! It feels like it’s been longer than that, but I’m glad I’m here and apart of this lovely community!
I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
She was having a staring contest with a mealworm. I guess I never taught her to not play with her food, lol.
bro went to bed already, it’s 10:36 pm

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