Setting up for new Rankins


Hatchling Member
Hi all,
I am in the process of getting my setup together for a Rankins and wanted some advice. I have a 36x24x18 enclosure from Symton. Its the same as the enclosures, just a different size. I have read that the mesh will block 40% if my UVB. Should I go with an Arcadia 12% or 14%? I have a good bit of décor I can use to adjust basking distance, but I am not sure which would be the better option, and what the distances should be with the mesh factored in? I have an Exoterra 24 inch hood I plan to put the bulb in. Current plan is to run it down the short side of the enclosure on the warm side next to the halogen bulb. Anyone have any insight on which I should use and what basking distance I should aim for?

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