Setting up for new Rankins


Hatchling Member
Hi all,
I am in the process of getting my setup together for a Rankins and wanted some advice. I have a 36x24x18 enclosure from Symton. Its the same as the enclosures, just a different size. I have read that the mesh will block 40% if my UVB. Should I go with an Arcadia 12% or 14%? I have a good bit of décor I can use to adjust basking distance, but I am not sure which would be the better option, and what the distances should be with the mesh factored in? I have an Exoterra 24 inch hood I plan to put the bulb in. Current plan is to run it down the short side of the enclosure on the warm side next to the halogen bulb. Anyone have any insight on which I should use and what basking distance I should aim for?

AHBD Sicko
Hi there, sorry this didn't get any traction here ! I would go for the 14 % and allow closer proximity to make up for the reduction of uvb caused by the mesh.
So what did you end up doing and can you post any pictures ?

xp29 Addict
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Wow the op is over a month old. This is the first time it showed up in my new post.
I think it only showed now up because it was replied to.
I'm pretty sure I'm accurate on this also because I LOVE the rankins and would have opened it just in case there were pictures lol.

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
The 14% is too strong for an 18 inch tall enclosure, even when on top of a mesh.

14% effective range for a 4-6 UVI level is 18-24 inches away from the dragon while basking (18'' =~6 UVI, 24'' =~4 UVI).

The finest mesh screens available commercially still only block approximately 30%. That means you'd need to place your basking spot 16 inches away from the bulb with the 14%. Even when placed on top of the mesh, that basically makes your basking surface the floor of your enclosure in your 18 inch enclosure, which prevents a UV gradient and places to go for lower/no UV exposure in the enclosure, ignoring a cave.

The 12% gives you an effective range for the above UVI targets of 12-18''. On top of a mesh blocking 30% that means you want to have the basking site 10-11 inches away. That gives you approximately 6 inches to create a basking site.

A 12% on top of the mesh will produce the most ideal UVI exposure for your 18 inch enclosure. It ensures a proper level at the basking site, lower levels in the rest of the enclosure, and a proper gradient throughout.

And that is assuming you prefer to keep your UVI levels that high at the basking site. A level of around 3-4 UVI at the basking site has been shown for decades to provide the proper amount of D3 synthesis our dragons need while mitigating the dangers of UV exposure.


AHBD Sicko
Ah, I didn't account for the 18" height. Wasn't paying close attention to the dimensions, my bad. Too concerned after finding an unanswered question languishing here in the shadows of the big dragons.

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Ah, I didn't account for the 18" height. Wasn't paying close attention to the dimensions, my bad. Too concerned after finding an unanswered question languishing here in the shadows of the big dragons.
It is odd around here, unanswered threads seem like hot commodities at times :)


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