setting up a 40 gallon for leopard gecko baby lighting/heating question


Hatchling Member
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hello everyone, I believe I'm going to get a baby leopard gecko during this summer to have plenty of time for it, and gain experience with younger reptiles and raising them. I am aware that I should quarantine it before I put it in Chester's room (my bd) I'm going to get it from a local breeder and maybe start breeding when he/she gets older. I have done lots of research and to my understanding, people use either under-tank heating or a simple watted bulb that admits heat And a UVB output lamp/fixture so the question I have for this forum is what is best for a baby? or for long term? I am going to use paper as bedding and deep clean the tank when he arrives. when he or she gets older I will either do tile or bioactive but just keeping it paper for now so I can moderate his stool and behavior.(reminder I don't have the gecko yet just preparing) thank you again!

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I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
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