Might not be especially separation anxiety (I don't know), but for sure they can get used to situations and tend to see their usual situations (if they are okay/ good in general) as something that feels safe, normal, stable.
My dragon does that a lot, but it has not only something to do with humans, so not clearly "separation anxiety". If I change something in or around his enclosure, or things he could use outside of his enclosure, like a new window seat, he hesitates.
The same is when I am not around, as in: I'm traveling (for work), and then my husband is taking care. Clearly my dragon knows these are two different people and reacts accordingly, e.g. he then stays more in the more hidden parts in his enclosure, still basking, but mostly where he cannot be reached.
So over all: If you have a dragon who tends to be rather shy, tends to hesitate, then it might (!) be possible that your dragon would recognize you not being around as something unusual and might react to it.
But personalities of dragons can be very different. Mine is clearly the type "curious, but more with the eyes than hands-on"
means: observes everything, always super interested, but then touching, using, accepting new things is something he does slowly and has a "rather not", "watch it for a long time and then maybe give it a try" approach.
Today I gave him for the first time a flower to eat - he likes eating veggies, but he hadn't walked close to "that thing" and hasn't eaten anything out of the same bowl. I have more of them - will give him another one tomorrow. I bet he'll also just watch it from a safe position. (My dragon can also eat other things if he's still too afraid of the flower and will avoid all food in the same bowl.)