Scale concern - tip of nose/chin

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Hi guys! I've never posted here before but I'm at a point where I can't find any answers about this concern, so here it goes!

Shredder is my ~3 year old beardie (male). We got him at Petco (I know this is terrible and I won't do it again) and kept him in a large breeder for most of his adolescence. At some point, with me working from home, he became partially free-range. We set up lights around the apartment and blocked off anything dangerous so he could roam and still thermal-regulate. Since then, he's graduated to being completely free-range in our new place (in-progress photo of where his lights are, and where he spends most of his time, below). This means that he gets to look outside the sliding door to the balcony, and sometimes he wants to go outside when I can't take him, so he boops his nose along the glass or the screen for several minutes before giving up. In the past I've noticed some discoloration on his scales from the screen door, but he gets regular check ups with an exotic vet and she has never been concerned.

Recently, however, the scales at the tip of his nose/chin are looking less discolored, and more damaged. Im not sure if this is the beginning of scale rot, stuck shed thats gotten dirty, or damaged scales, and whatever it is, how serious is it? there are 2 pictures below of it today, and one (with the greens in his mouth) from 2 months ago. He also did just finish shedding, and he's normally pretty slow at this so there's still a few scales hanging on right now.

Thanks in advance for any advice or thoughts on this. BTW - I don't consider myself an expert, but this free-range thing is amazing. Shredder has incredible energy and greens-appetite, has incredibly healthy bones and muscles (according to the vet), and thermal-regulates all on his own, with the freedom to choose when he wants to sleep in a dark corner, or wants to explore around the apartment. We don't have any other pets, and I do work at home, and we do have optimal humidity levels where i live, or else this wouldn't work. But he's basically like a scaly cat :) His set up is all custom made, and we're not quite finished so I know there are things that need to be improved.


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hi guys! I've never posted here before but I'm at a point where I can't find any answers about this concern, so here it goes!

Shredder is my ~3 year old beardie (male). We got him at Petco (I know this is terrible and I won't do it again) and kept him in a large breeder for most of his adolescence. At some point, with me working from home, he became partially free-range. We set up lights around the apartment and blocked off anything dangerous so he could roam and still thermal-regulate. Since then, he's graduated to being completely free-range in our new place (in-progress photo of where his lights are, and where he spends most of his time, below). This means that he gets to look outside the sliding door to the balcony, and sometimes he wants to go outside when I can't take him, so he boops his nose along the glass or the screen for several minutes before giving up. In the past I've noticed some discoloration on his scales from the screen door, but he gets regular check ups with an exotic vet and she has never been concerned.

Recently, however, the scales at the tip of his nose/chin are looking less discolored, and more damaged. Im not sure if this is the beginning of scale rot, stuck shed thats gotten dirty, or damaged scales, and whatever it is, how serious is it? there are 2 pictures below of it today, and one (with the greens in his mouth) from 2 months ago. He also did just finish shedding, and he's normally pretty slow at this so there's still a few scales hanging on right now.

Thanks in advance for any advice or thoughts on this. BTW - I don't consider myself an expert, but this free-range thing is amazing. Shredder has incredible energy and greens-appetite, has incredibly healthy bones and muscles (according to the vet), and thermal-regulates all on his own, with the freedom to choose when he wants to sleep in a dark corner, or wants to explore around the apartment. We don't have any other pets, and I do work at home, and we do have optimal humidity levels where i live, or else this wouldn't work. But he's basically like a scaly cat :) His set up is all custom made, and we're not quite finished so I know there are things that need to be improved.
Try putting some raw unpasteurized honey on it -- it will promote growth back and I am sure its from bumping his nose on the glass all the time -- I would look at getting the UVB to where he can sit directly under it 12-15 inches - the UVB rays from outside thru a glass arent doing any good - it is called filtered UVB which is not enough -- but your set up looks good in the house -- are you taking some surface basking temps w/ a digital probe thermometer?
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