Sad rescue...pic heavy

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I went to the petshop yesterday to get some crickets and I saw a leopard gecko just laying in his cage. At first I thought she was dead. I have been there several times and seen this baby but was more active this time she was just laying there totally motionless. I sorta made friends with the owners (as I am in there so much) (Trying to convince there to take the sand out of all those cages grrr.) and I told him look that gecko looks in terrible shape. I asked him If I could have her and he gave her to me so I could see if I could bring her back to good health. She is nothing but skin and bones. Her eyes are glazed over but she still seems to be able to see.
If I am not mistaking she is a full adult. She weighs only about 20 g and is 7 in long. Even her little toes are deformed.
She is so loveable. She enjoys being held and loves chin rubs.

Here is her setup:
She is in a plastic container with plenty of ventilation
I have a heating pad under the tank for heat (90)
She will eat crickets but not near as many as she should
I do have water and calcium in bowls for her
I had hides in there for her she don’t like them I took the lids off and she went right in.
She is somewhat active more than she was at the pet shop
I have given her baby food.
I have given repta aid twice today.
As soon as I have me money I will be taking her to the vet. (I am going through some medical problems and money is really tight. They believe I may have cancer so all these doc visits are taking all my funds)
She will drink water
I have soaked her (which she hated)
She does have bowl movements

Here are some pics of her,






This is a pic of my other gecko she is a juvi is 6 in 20 grams

Any advice anyone would like to give. It will be greatly appreciated


Sub-Adult Member
well, she doesnt LOOK full grown but if shes 7 inches shes probably close. i guess, because she is soo small, just feed her and hope she gains weight. im afraid though if you feed her too much she cant handle it, so start out small and see how much she can handle.

can i see more detailed pictures of her toes? i not so sure (by those pics) that they are damaged, just shes so skinny they might LOOK bad. if i could see them i could get a better guess. its a possibility that she just had shedding difficulty and couldnt shed her toes and started chewing on them. if i could see them i could get a better idea.

also, maybe try feeding her waxworms. they are soft bodied so she can digest them easy (she looks pretty weak :( ) and would help her gain weight.


Gray-bearded Member
OMG_ she is sooo skinny. :shock: I am so happy you took her in. It was especially thoughtful of you considering what you are going through! :( I will pray for a full recovery for both of you. Bless you for your big heart.

Sandy H


Original Poster
Back left foot

front right foot

back right foot

As far as the feeding I am going to cut back. She has thrown up some of what I have given her.
She is so week but she still moves around better than at the pet shop. I pray I will able to get her back to good health. I am determined to. But if she doesn't make it. Atleast I can say she got to feel love and warmth for that last part of her life. But I am going to do everything in my power to keep her alive. I want to see her have a full life.
She has won my heart.

Anyone have any name suggestions? I believe she deserves something very special!
Thanks for all you wonderful comments.

Jasper's Mom Addict
Oh my God. How could anyone let an animal in their care get into such a state? I'm so glad that you've taken her in and are going to look after her now. You might want to contact TheSmpsnsG85 as I know they do reptile rescue and have a little leo gecko who was in really rough shape but is now recovering.

And most importantly. I'm sorry to hear you're having health problems. It's wonderful that you are still looking out for the creatures around you. Don't forget to look after yourself too, OK?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh that is sad, poor girl.
Those toes look as though they were from retained shed. Have you tried soaking her a little while to see if you can get any retained shed off of those areas?
Do you know how to get the mouth open to feed her? Just use a swab to gently get her mouth open, then use a small plastic medication syringe to get small amounts of food into her. I would do 2 feedings per day right now, & make sure to add a small pinch of calcium with one of the feedings also.
Go very slowly with her on the food right now, as her body wont be able to handle it. Too much protein too quickly can cause renal problems.

Keep us posted on her.



Original Poster
I have tried soaking her but shed wouldn't come off. I am going to keep trying..Next time i will use a soft toothbrush. For all she has been through she is just amazingly sweet. She just LOVES being loved on. I couldn't bear to leave her there in that pet shop another day. I am just glad I got her when I did. I just pray it isn't too late.


Juvie Member
Those pictures just break my heart! Especially the one showing her boney hips. She's so lucky to be with you now.


I don't have any advice to offer, and as everyone said you're wonderful for rescuing her. I was thinking for a name, something like Precious. It was one of my Auntie's highest enderments to me before she passed on from cancer and I think the little thing deserves as much of a loving name as you are giving her your love.
How is she doing? I'd take her to a vet. Looks like she's dehydrated and could probably use a fluid injection. I hate it when stores can't figure out that something is drastically wrong with an animal and they don't do anything about it.

Jiffy Addict
Wow, poor tiny thing. I really do not understand how someone can let any living thing get in a condition like that. Breaks my heart for the animal, and makes me angry at the people. Bless you for taking her in and taking care of her. I hope she makes a complete recovery.

As far as a name, for some reason the only thing that pops into my head is Priscilla (and could be Prissy for short).
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