sad beardie, horribly thin

Beardie name(s)
I went to a pet store today, and there was a young (I think) beardie. He was so thin, and there were loose crickets in his/her terrarium. It was just so so so sad. I asked my parents if we could adopt him/her, but they said no, and it just hurts so so much :(

Edit: I looked up some images online, and the little one looks a lot like this one except the back legs where much thinner :(


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Beardie name(s)
Buddy Boy The Bearded Beetlebelly Squiggles
Don't worry! Baby bearded dragons are thin when they are babies! My beardie (Buddy) was also very thin when we first bought him. If you check on internet you can see all baby beardies are quite thin. Anyway, even IF he is too thin it is likely someone will come soon and adopt him anyway! 🦎


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Don't worry! Baby bearded dragons are thin when they are babies! My beardie (Buddy) was also very thin when we first bought him. If you check on internet you can see all baby beardies are quite thin. Anyway, even IF he is too thin it is likely someone will come soon and adopt him anyway! 🦎
I searched up some pictures, but he was definitely way thinner then taht :( I hope someone who knows beardie’s comes for him soon!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

It is very unfortunate to see the poor care of reptiles in many stores. I hope someone does adopt
him, or he likely wont make it.



Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
I went to a pet store today, and there was a young (I think) beardie. He was so thin, and there were loose crickets in his/her terrarium. It was just so so so sad. I asked my parents if we could adopt him/her, but they said no, and it just hurts so so much :(

Edit: I looked up some images online, and the little one looks a lot like this one except the back legs where much thinner :(
A lot of bearded dragons don't make it

I bought from Fire & Ice Dragons & was unsure how to treat parasites then.
The dragon was full of coccidia and pinworms

I wasn't too happy but I gave the dragon a chance and gave him to a rescue even though he was expensive.
He was 10 grams and I'm not sure if he made it but I gave him a chance.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I went to a pet store today, and there was a young (I think) beardie. He was so thin, and there were loose crickets in his/her terrarium. It was just so so so sad. I asked my parents if we could adopt him/her, but they said no, and it just hurts so so much :(


It is very unfortunate to see the poor care of reptiles in many stores. I hope someone does adopt
him, or he likely wont make it.



It is very unfortunate to see the poor care of reptiles in many stores. I hope someone does adopt
him, or he likely wont make it.

How much time do you think he has left to get adopted before he dies?


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Bearded dragons are still rescuable at that age.
would be nice to see a photo of him to see if he's savable.

I wouldn't rescue a dragon just because a rescue could get sick and die.
there are too many dragons being sold sick anyway & they need to be saved in a way...

If you did rescue him, you could be treating his MBD for the rest of his life since the comparison looks pretty severe...

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is hard to determine, they are pretty resilient. However if he is in the same type of condition
as the dragon based in the picture, he definitely isn't doing well.
If he can't eat on his own, he will continue to get worse unless someone at the petstore is helping
him out. It's really hard to know how long he might have.


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