Gray-bearded Member
- Beardie name(s)
- Rocky, Ruby
And remember you always have a babysitter if you need extra support. I can't promise the return to you and your girlfriend as you know I wanted Ruby since day 1 ♥I was so angry when I saw that x-ray. She does not deserve to be deformed like that and its so easy to prevent.
She is well loved now (at home and abroad), and she is so spoiled it's criminal lol. She started having some issues so we took her to the vet. She is on antibiotics for slightly elevated pin worm count. She is funny about eating and keeping her weight up is a challenge, but I'm giving her critical care and she actually likes it. She has also started eating bugs a little better also. She is showing good improvement but she is still having some issues with her little bottom. I'm monitoring het closely but I think she is on the mend. She has gotten lazy again and started sitting in her poop till we found her. I think that is why her bottom is irritated. I dunno why she started doing that again, she can stand and move if she wants.
The original Ruby couldn't have found better parents!