Ruby's vet visit today. If you are new to beardies or plan to become a keeper please read this thread


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
I was so angry when I saw that x-ray. She does not deserve to be deformed like that and its so easy to prevent.
She is well loved now (at home and abroad), and she is so spoiled it's criminal lol. She started having some issues so we took her to the vet. She is on antibiotics for slightly elevated pin worm count. She is funny about eating and keeping her weight up is a challenge, but I'm giving her critical care and she actually likes it. She has also started eating bugs a little better also. She is showing good improvement but she is still having some issues with her little bottom. I'm monitoring het closely but I think she is on the mend. She has gotten lazy again and started sitting in her poop till we found her. I think that is why her bottom is irritated. I dunno why she started doing that again, she can stand and move if she wants.
And remember you always have a babysitter if you need extra support. I can't promise the return to you and your girlfriend as you know I wanted Ruby since day 1 ♥
The original Ruby couldn't have found better parents!

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
And remember you always have a babysitter if you need extra support. I can't promise the return to you and your girlfriend as you know I wanted Ruby since day 1 ♥
The original Ruby couldn't have found better parents!
Thank you for the kind sentiment 🤗.
If I ever had to rehome her, you would for sure be the first person I'd call 🙂

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Just wanted to comment on how lovely Ruby is & how lucky she is to have you take her in. It is so
sad when they don't have proper care for long periods of time. So many take one in without any
knowledge at all, & it isn't fair.
She is very deserving & I know that she is very grateful for everything you are doing for her!


xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa

Just wanted to comment on how lovely Ruby is & how lucky she is to have you take her in. It is so
sad when they don't have proper care for long periods of time. So many take one in without any
knowledge at all, & it isn't fair.
She is very deserving & I know that she is very grateful for everything you are doing for her!

Thank you Tracie 🤗


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
The more I learn about Ruby's story, the more I fall in love with her. I pray that everything will be okay for her. I am so glad that Ruby came to you and that you love her so much.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
The more I learn about Ruby's story, the more I fall in love with her. I pray that everything will be okay for her. I am so glad that Ruby came to you and that you love her so much.
Thank you 😊 She will never suffer from lack if love, she is pretty much spoiled rotten lol.
I just hope that folks take her story to heart and don't let this happen to their beardies, it's so easy to prevent, but we still see it way to often.


New member
Thank you for posting this. I'm sorry she is stuck with these conditions, but it's clear you're doing everything you can to help. A little reading or searching could solve so many of these issues. I get a little frustrated when I see "I just brought this animal home, how do I care for it?" In various places. Hopefully little by little thr right information will seep out. I hope she continues to improve.

I noticed the post because I also have a little one named Ruby. She 4.5 months old and spicy and perfect in every way.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Thank you for posting this. I'm sorry she is stuck with these conditions, but it's clear you're doing everything you can to help. A little reading or searching could solve so many of these issues. I get a little frustrated when I see "I just brought this animal home, how do I care for it?" In various places. Hopefully little by little thr right information will seep out. I hope she continues to improve.

I noticed the post because I also have a little one named Ruby. She 4.5 months old and spicy and perfect in every way.
Thank you for the kind words.
This thread didn't seem to get as much traction as I had hoped judging by comments, but when I look on the desktop version (I'm almost always on my phone) I can see it's been veiwed over 1000 times. I just hope it inspires folks to take better care of their beardies.

Oh and congratulations on your baby. I absolutely LOVE spicy dragons 🐉. I have a 9 month old named Zsa Zsa she is super spicy. You never know what to expect outta her 😃.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I think this thread gives people a lot to think about regarding owning a precious dragon!
It does take a bit of thought & planning before bringing one home. I hope that people will
continue to educate themselves prior to ownership!


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either she really likes me, or shes hungry
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