Ruby hid from me....

It's totally my fault but Ruby jumped out the window and hit under my cabinet. I couldn't find him for like 2 minutes. But when I saw that he pooped on my couch, it all made sense!

Is my fault because I had to go to the restroom, apparently he did too, and I didn't rush back to him.
Rocky would never! Lol

We know Rocky has hod from me before...

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
When I read the first line, "Ruby jumped out the window" I nearly had a heart attack lol. I thought you were saying he jumped outside ..... wheeewwww.
Poor lil guy was embarrassed he had an accident on the furniture, bless his heart.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
When I read the first line, "Ruby jumped out the window" I nearly had a heart attack lol. I thought you were saying he jumped outside ..... wheeewwww.
Poor lil guy was embarrassed he had an accident on the furniture, bless his heart.
Awww. No. No open windows because he totally would try to get away from me, he still scratches at blowing trees in the wind and he is a built so he try to take on birds and rabbits. Closed windows for him.

Sorry about the scare.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
I started to worry too when I read the first words. I hope Ruby didn't hurt himself too much? How is he doing now?
Thank you. He fine. I just had late window time with him because I was gone all day. He looked at me funny but when I let him hang out 2 hours past bedtime, he forgave me. I then said to him that is night time, he didn't want to go to sleep but I promise you, by the time I closed the enclosure door, he was asleep in the corner lol

He looked so innocent sleeping but it was dark that I couldn't take a picture.

Thanks for caring about my bad boy.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
xp I was worried for a moment as well. BUT.... that dragon dude was NOT embarrassed about pooing on the couch and he'll do it again !
Lol see, I totally wanted to thank you for your concern but I bursted out in laughter. By now, you know I make excuses for my beardies but it's so true. He could care less lol.
Ruby would poop anywhere but his enclosure and when he used too, he refused to go to that side again lol.
He's a diva. When I didn't see the poop as it's not always stinky, he started scaling the walls of his enclosure like Spiderman. As soon as I cleaned it, he resumed his place. What a big baby lol

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