So I decided to move this from the intro section to the Beardie Tales section so I could keep better track of my beardies since it's not really an introduction anymore.
Rory- My first beardie! I bought her from petsmart on a whim. I had originally planned on buying from a breeder but when I went in she was bouncing up and down on the windows watching me move around and begging me to take her home so I obliged. I got her on March 6th and she was only about 3.5 to 4 inches long, I did not measure her but she was about the length of my pointer finger. I am not sure of how old that would make her but she seems to be growing well. My guess would be about 3 weeks so she should be approaching 29 weeks and she is 16 1/2 inches long now so she seems to be growing well. She has shed and developed some coloration I was not expecting. Here are some Rory pics:
Meeting Daddy:
All tuckered out:
She thinks she is hiding lol:
Bevo- I fell in love with Rory and knew I wanted another one. I had no idea at the time she was female when I got her and had been kind of hoping for a male. I was interested in something a little older that I wouldn't feel like I was going to break every time I held it. I had scoured cragislist for weeks with nothing and then one day hit the jackpot. Someone's kid had gotten tired of their beardie and the work it was taking and they had pics posted. Now this poor guy was 9 months old and 17 inches living in an enclosure that was far too small, on sand with a 60w house bulb for basking that was ten inches from the highest point in the cage and only being fed mealworms and the occasional cricket every other day because that is the schedule they were told. He got a bath once a week and sprayed occasionally and the only veggies he was getting was lettuce and some carrots. In their defense they had been told by the petsmart "experts" this was the right care and so that is what they had been doing. I gladly paid them for him, brought him home and got him into a 40 gallon breeder with proper lighting and feeding schedules. I have noticed he will drink from his dish when he thinks I am not looking sometimes so that must be how he survived all that time without dehydration but the second I look at him he freezes. He had not been held much they said because the kid was afraid of him but from the moment I stuck my hand in and let him lick it he has been comfortable with me. I love Rory but Bevo has become my everyday hangout buddy. He has gained a noticeable amount of weight and I have not measured him since the first day I got him but I am betting he has gotten a little longer. He is eating great on dubia, crickets, a lot of different greens and I am trying out some silkies and hornworms this week. He is a great little guy and spends a lot of time on his leash hanging out with me. He has shed recently and revealed even more orange on him. The orange he has on his beard and sides looks like what we call burnt orange in Texas and so we named him after the UT mascot. Bevo pics!
First time I held him he freaked a little:
Get that camera outta my face!
About a week and a half after coming home:
First time on his leash:
Peach- I purchased her from Bloodbank. She is a hypo italian leatherback! Barry was super nice and worked with me on pricing and we cut a deal for her! She has outgrown Rory who is a full month older than her and eats like a pig. She was a biter all the way up until a month ago and she has suddenly developed a really sweet temperament! Thank GOD! My fingers were starting to wear out lol
Cash- I just ordered this little guy today. He is a hypo silkback from Kaizen Reptiles. He worked with me on the pricing and let me have first pick of a a clutch he had not even listed yet because there was some confusion on me emailing him and the one I originally wanted was sold before I could get in contact with him. I am actually happy that happened because the other one had tail and toe nips and this guy was perfect condition and because he wanted to make room for newer additions he cut me a huge discount! He will be shipped tomorrow and be here the next day so here are the only pics I have right now!
Sasparilla- Rilla for short. Howlin Gale Dragons rescued this little girl and I adopted her. We just started out journey today but she is gorgeous and just as sweet as Rory is.
Well there are my beardies! I will edit as they grow! below will be some other random pics I currently have.
Rory- My first beardie! I bought her from petsmart on a whim. I had originally planned on buying from a breeder but when I went in she was bouncing up and down on the windows watching me move around and begging me to take her home so I obliged. I got her on March 6th and she was only about 3.5 to 4 inches long, I did not measure her but she was about the length of my pointer finger. I am not sure of how old that would make her but she seems to be growing well. My guess would be about 3 weeks so she should be approaching 29 weeks and she is 16 1/2 inches long now so she seems to be growing well. She has shed and developed some coloration I was not expecting. Here are some Rory pics:
Meeting Daddy:

All tuckered out:

She thinks she is hiding lol:

Bevo- I fell in love with Rory and knew I wanted another one. I had no idea at the time she was female when I got her and had been kind of hoping for a male. I was interested in something a little older that I wouldn't feel like I was going to break every time I held it. I had scoured cragislist for weeks with nothing and then one day hit the jackpot. Someone's kid had gotten tired of their beardie and the work it was taking and they had pics posted. Now this poor guy was 9 months old and 17 inches living in an enclosure that was far too small, on sand with a 60w house bulb for basking that was ten inches from the highest point in the cage and only being fed mealworms and the occasional cricket every other day because that is the schedule they were told. He got a bath once a week and sprayed occasionally and the only veggies he was getting was lettuce and some carrots. In their defense they had been told by the petsmart "experts" this was the right care and so that is what they had been doing. I gladly paid them for him, brought him home and got him into a 40 gallon breeder with proper lighting and feeding schedules. I have noticed he will drink from his dish when he thinks I am not looking sometimes so that must be how he survived all that time without dehydration but the second I look at him he freezes. He had not been held much they said because the kid was afraid of him but from the moment I stuck my hand in and let him lick it he has been comfortable with me. I love Rory but Bevo has become my everyday hangout buddy. He has gained a noticeable amount of weight and I have not measured him since the first day I got him but I am betting he has gotten a little longer. He is eating great on dubia, crickets, a lot of different greens and I am trying out some silkies and hornworms this week. He is a great little guy and spends a lot of time on his leash hanging out with me. He has shed recently and revealed even more orange on him. The orange he has on his beard and sides looks like what we call burnt orange in Texas and so we named him after the UT mascot. Bevo pics!
First time I held him he freaked a little:

Get that camera outta my face!

About a week and a half after coming home:

First time on his leash:

Peach- I purchased her from Bloodbank. She is a hypo italian leatherback! Barry was super nice and worked with me on pricing and we cut a deal for her! She has outgrown Rory who is a full month older than her and eats like a pig. She was a biter all the way up until a month ago and she has suddenly developed a really sweet temperament! Thank GOD! My fingers were starting to wear out lol

Cash- I just ordered this little guy today. He is a hypo silkback from Kaizen Reptiles. He worked with me on the pricing and let me have first pick of a a clutch he had not even listed yet because there was some confusion on me emailing him and the one I originally wanted was sold before I could get in contact with him. I am actually happy that happened because the other one had tail and toe nips and this guy was perfect condition and because he wanted to make room for newer additions he cut me a huge discount! He will be shipped tomorrow and be here the next day so here are the only pics I have right now!

Sasparilla- Rilla for short. Howlin Gale Dragons rescued this little girl and I adopted her. We just started out journey today but she is gorgeous and just as sweet as Rory is.

Well there are my beardies! I will edit as they grow! below will be some other random pics I currently have.