Rocky ugh

Omg all day I've been chasing Rocky around the room, he flipped his bed over from the table, he's jumping down from the window, he's running 5mph on hardwood.

Why is it i miss him so much then I forget this craziness.?!

Your probably thinking why not just leave him in his enclosure, because he's banging on the glass, scaling the walls. Ugh

OK I just tried to put him back in there and I'm in bed myself, this is the only way that he's staying put.


xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
He's the biggest faker. I'm still trying to get the instagram thing together but it won't let me post a short video here so please see how Rocky is fake sleeping now. It's hilarious. Sound on and watch his eyes.
That's to funny!


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
He's the biggest faker. I'm still trying to get the instagram thing together but it won't let me post a short video here so please see how Rocky is fake sleeping now. It's hilarious. Sound on and watch his eyes.
He looks like a calm and obedient dragon. And you blame him in vain lol :giggle:

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Rocky is the good one, my first one so even when he's horrible, he does no wrong in my eyes.
They really are like having little kids. I don't think anyone ever expects just how much they will love them till they start keeping them. Just think how afraid you were in the beginning, and @ChileanTaco said her hubby was terrified of pretty much any reptile but now is good with Taco. Beardies always win us over 🙂 I'd argue they are secretly magical and cast an enchantment on us 😉😄


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
Ruby has lost his mind. He just destroyed his enclosure again. I cleaned it. He watched cartoons and started doing jumping jacks.

I acted like I was giving him kisses through the glass thinking he would run away.
He stood right there and had a glow.
I give up


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Just think how afraid you were in the beginning, and @ChileanTaco said her hubby was terrified of pretty much any reptile but now is good with Taco.
Absolutely! He was also disgusted by reptiles at ranger stations, or when visiting a pet store to look around if their reptiles are cared well for and we were allowed to pet some, he didn't do so and stayed behind a bit to just not come too close.
Now Taco sits on him, licks close to the ear, and he's fine with that. He pets Taco, carries him around, finds him cute (!)... totally fine with him and I bet he'd also be fine with similar reptiles.

Insects was the same thing - he's now at least "okay" with insects.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
When Rocky just slid across my neck, that's when I remember he a reptile not my baby. I freeze in place for a minute then I think to myself.....proud mom you rock #fearless

I also remember I'm his safe haven because he didn't attack lol

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Ruby has lost his mind. He just destroyed his enclosure again. I cleaned it. He watched cartoons and started doing jumping jacks.

I acted like I was giving him kisses through the glass thinking he would run away.
He stood right there and had a glow.
I give up
He's proving he can do zoomies to lol

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