Rocky gives kisses

Twice today, I asked Rocky for a kiss....I leaned in and gave Rocky my cheek and he licked me. I have to catch it on camera. I'm not sure we what made me ask him and he's probably licking to feel safe but let me believe what I believe lol

I love Rocky.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Twice today, I asked Rocky for a kiss....I leaned in and gave Rocky my cheek and he licked me. I have to catch it on camera. I'm not sure we what made me ask him and he's probably licking to feel safe but let me believe what I believe lol

I love Rocky.
Christina does that why our guys and swears they are kissing her to 🙂


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
It happened again. I didn't see him all day. I pulled him out although it was bedtime. I stuck my head an inch from his and said KISSEY...HE came over and did it.
I can't believe it and I'm so mad I didn't have my phone. He sleeping now but tomorrow is a new day.

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