Rescued a beardie and I need help


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I’m back to being worried again. Today she was very lethargic. I gave her just 1/2 ml of food at 11:30 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, and 3:15 pm for a total of 2 ml. In the morning I steamed mustard greens, broccoli, and collard greens, puréed them with a good amount of water and mixed in some critical care. She had that for her 11:30 and 1 pm meals and for the last two feedings I gave her butternut squash mixed with critical care.
She’d have little breaks outside her tank when I fed her but I kept putting her back on the warm side so she could digest. Temperatures were between 95 and 100 where she was lying. By 4:30 she was looking really pale and black bearding. I moved her to the cool side and she was more alert and looking at me. But still so pale. I decided to check to see if she had vomited so I held her over the tub vertically and gently opened her mouth and a good amount of vomit came out. It was orange. There wasn’t any green. So I’m assuming she digested the greens but not the squash. Even though she passed a large ball of poop she’s still got an impaction and I’m wondering if even 2 ml is too much for her right now. I also added back some critical care so that may have bulked the portions up a bit. After I got the vomit out I put her back in the cool side and she started to regain her color.

This is so hard. I’m trying to go slow and be so careful and I keep causing her more problems. Tomorrow is a sub q day. Hopefully the fluids will help. As far as feeding her goes, I will probably do just 1/2 ml of greens tomorrow. Maybe without the critical care. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Poor girl, I'm sorry you are having a rough time. She is looking pretty stressed there. Are you giving the subcutaneous fluids on Monday?
Maybe the critical care is a bit too much for her, how much of that do you give?
Her beard isn't too dark, but just gray. Her eyes are a bit sunken due to dehydration.
Keep trying, & go slowly with her. I know it's hard to be patient especially when she is so critical right now.

Let us know how she is doing.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
I know this probably sounds so dumb but she doesn’t move much - If the temperature by her head and upper body is 97-99 but the temperature around her abdomen is around 93, will that be adequate for digestion?
I would think so


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My beautiful girl looks awful today. Really pale and a black beard. She was awake when I got up and had gone pale during the night. She had a little throw up in her mouth. She’s been alert all day and moving though. A lot of movement for her. She passed a little stool so she might be trying to get something larger out. I gave her 6 ml of sub q fluids which might explain her alertness. Wondering if she’s nauseous. I’ll try to upload a pic. She’s a little paler than the picture shows.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Poor girl, I'm sorry you are having a rough time. She is looking pretty stressed there. Are you giving the subcutaneous fluids on Monday?
Maybe the critical care is a bit too much for her, how much of that do you give?
Her beard isn't too dark, but just gray. Her eyes are a bit sunken due to dehydration.
Keep trying, & go slowly with her. I know it's hard to be patient especially when she is so critical right now.

Let us know how she is doing.
Hi Tracie. I had been giving baby food pumpkins and squash for a while so maybe the critical care needed to be introduced back more slowly. I was mixing a couple spoonfuls of baby food with a small scoop of critical care and giving only 1/2 ml of that mixture a little bit at a time. I did that on four occasions so it totaled 2 ml.

She was extremely awake today but so pale. I have a strong feeling she’s trying to pass something large. She did pass little bits tonight. I hope that she can!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

So sorry, she is definitely hanging in there. How is she doing tonight?
Ok, that isn't a lot of food, but perhaps the critical care was too much for her right now?
I'm glad that she is awake & hope that she is alert also.

Let us know how she is doing.


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Hi everyone,

I’m so sad to say I think she’s gone. She’s not moving or responding. I put her on her back and she didn’t move. I don’t see her breathing. Her eyes are open. Maybe all the movement yesterday was terminal rallying.

Thanks for all your help. I had her for about a month and I’m so grateful to have known her. I feel so incredibly sad but still grateful.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Hi everyone,

I’m so sad to say I think she’s gone. She’s not moving or responding. I put her on her back and she didn’t move. I don’t see her breathing. Her eyes are open. Maybe all the movement yesterday was terminal rallying.

Thanks for all your help. I had her for about a month and I’m so grateful to have known her. I feel so incredibly sad but still grateful.
I am so sorry to hear this -- you tried your best thats all you can do - it so sad when they are not taken care of properly from the beginning-- again I am sorry to hear -- :(

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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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