Sub-Adult Member
Not related to Maya.
But, I am attempting to help a fellow beardie owner with her dragon.
She took her dragon to a vet who doesn't specialize in exotics but he is treating the beardie for roundworms. I told her that I would ask around about this. The message is below:
Panacur question! The vet gave us 5 doses with 1 ml each and then second round in 2 weeks. All dosage info I see says 25-100 mg per 1kg. With Spike's weight 50-100 mg comes down to 0.25-0.5 ml. Also recommendations are 2-4 days for 100 mg and 3-5 days for 50 mg. The vet gave her first dose in office. Should I proceed with these higher doses (twice higher!) or just give her half? Please don't tell me to call the vet, he's not "truly" exotics vet and has little experience with reptiles. And, yes, he's sure that the dose is fine, he did calculations. Will she be Ok though?
But, I am attempting to help a fellow beardie owner with her dragon.
She took her dragon to a vet who doesn't specialize in exotics but he is treating the beardie for roundworms. I told her that I would ask around about this. The message is below:
Panacur question! The vet gave us 5 doses with 1 ml each and then second round in 2 weeks. All dosage info I see says 25-100 mg per 1kg. With Spike's weight 50-100 mg comes down to 0.25-0.5 ml. Also recommendations are 2-4 days for 100 mg and 3-5 days for 50 mg. The vet gave her first dose in office. Should I proceed with these higher doses (twice higher!) or just give her half? Please don't tell me to call the vet, he's not "truly" exotics vet and has little experience with reptiles. And, yes, he's sure that the dose is fine, he did calculations. Will she be Ok though?