Refuses to eat green!

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My beardie is just about a year old, a little over 18 inches and loves to eat. Loves to eat everything but his greens! I've tried not feeding him til he will eat them, mixing supers/crix in with the greens and trying to move the greens to get his attention! So far ive given him bok choy, kale, mustard greens, a little cilantro, collards and some strawberries as a treat and still he refuses to eat it!
Everything in his cage is good, i've already checked on all that. Basking tempts 95-105 on the hot side.
He also has been only wanting supers after i gave him a few as a treat. He used to gobble down his crix but not he only wants supers. Just now i made him eat a few reens by putting them right in front of him as he was trying to get the super but he shakes his head lke he hates it! He also refuses to eat anything when its dused with calcium! And his last two poops have been a little runny but looks like excess water and have had a little undigested parts in them which is unusual. He hasnt had any trouble pooping also ( he really only likes to go when he is in the bath or outside :p) and also is his poops smelling crazy bad normal?

Thanks in advance :)


Sub-Adult Member
I got Mojo to chow down on greens and salad by putting dubia and reptiworms in her bowl, they move under the salad and she goes nuts eating salad to get to them lol.


Sub-Adult Member
Has he ever recieved a fecal exam from a vet? It sounds like he might have parasites from the smelly and runny poo. Has he been fed greens since he was a baby? Darwin has had greens in his tank since I got him at 6" and now at 12" he will demolish an entire small bowl of turnip greens during the day while I'm at work in addition to morning and evening dubias. He also seems to like carrots, so you could finely grate or chop them on top of a salad, and maybe your beardie will go for them, and get a mouthful of greens in the meantime.


Original Poster
I've been just insisting on him eating his greens and now he downs them! He seems to like bok choy, mustard greens and collards! and i add some wax worms on top as a treat! :D


Sub-Adult Member
You can try spraying diluted 100% fruit juice on top of them too. And always feed live prey mixed in with the veggies.
I have one who is attracted to bright colors (like hibiscus flowers) and really fresh strong smells, like fresh basil and mint from the garden and celery.


Same problem, not eating greens. Tried throwing greens around to seem like crickets, but no luck. Tried waggeling it by his nose, no luck, push it against his mouth, and he turns away. Left a piece on top of his nose, 30 minutes later still there.
He does not want to eat any fruit or any greens!! A bit like me!

Only crickets!! He will eat as many as you can frow in.

Havent tried the worms yet.

Apart from mixing greens with live worms or crickets
Is there any other way to get them to eat greens?

O, and I also have a problem getting mine to drink water. It seems he hates it like he hates his greens. So, all I get in is a few drops from the nose running down and his bath every second day to absorb more water through his skin.



Sub-Adult Member
most dragons do not recognise standing water as something they can drink so do not be surprised if he won't drink. Baths and greens are good and with patience he will eat the greens. Keep changing what you offer as variety is the spice of life.


Sub-Adult Member
Just leave it there he will pick at it here and there

I started greens on my juvie a few days ago and he picks or eat them at times


Sub-Adult Member
Botha":2wrpziju said:
Same problem, not eating greens. Tried throwing greens around to seem like crickets, but no luck. Tried waggeling it by his nose, no luck, push it against his mouth, and he turns away. Left a piece on top of his nose, 30 minutes later still there.
He does not want to eat any fruit or any greens!! A bit like me!

Only crickets!! He will eat as many as you can frow in.

What I've noticed with Darwin is that he'll polish off his bowl of greens just before it's time for the night feeding. Try to put a small bowl of greens down, about the time that you normally would do an afternoon/evening feed. If he's hungry enough at that point, he'll go and try the greens just to get something into his stomach. Yesterday, Darwin hadn't touched his greens the entire day by the time I got home, and I normally feed him within 15 minutes of me arriving. So I went to go put my work stuff away and change, and literally 5 minutes later, the entire small bowl of mustard greens was gone. So he knew to expect food, and I guess that got him hungry enough to eat the rest of the greens.

Also, my dragon is shy when eating his greens, and if I notice him eating them and look at him, he'll immediately stop, glare, and go back to basking.


Finaly Got Rango to eat some greens, adding 1 or two superworms to his salad bowl seems to do the trick, however he has only eating rockets leafs and corn. The rest, he still refuses. Just glad he started eating some veggies. Still no luck on fruit either.

Rango also stops eating his greens when you close and watch him almost as if he doesnt want you to know that he ate some!


Juvie Member
Scout's a year and 16.5 inches. He's had his greens in his tank every morning since I got him at 8" and I very rarely see him eat them(like maybe 1 every two or more months) and sometimes I'll see him with squash on his face, so I know he eats them every now and then. But hardly ever. I'm going to try feed his salad in the evening since when I was on vacation,my sis said she forgot to give him a salad in the morning and gave it to him in the evening and he ate it all. I know he won't eat it if I gave it to him in the morning after I feed worms since he'll be full, so I'll try it later when he's hopefully hungry. On the bright side, he LOVES blueberries! He'll eat a bunch.(I think he ate 7 of them...) So maybe I can thaw some frozen blueberrys in some water I can spray on his salad. :unsure: I just want him to eat his food and get bigger! XD He's not even 400 grams yet the pipsqueak.


Sub-Adult Member
randommonks":3ny6gqvc said:
Botha":3ny6gqvc said:
Same problem, not eating greens. Tried throwing greens around to seem like crickets, but no luck. Tried waggeling it by his nose, no luck, push it against his mouth, and he turns away. Left a piece on top of his nose, 30 minutes later still there.
He does not want to eat any fruit or any greens!! A bit like me!

Only crickets!! He will eat as many as you can frow in.

What I've noticed with Darwin is that he'll polish off his bowl of greens just before it's time for the night feeding. Try to put a small bowl of greens down, about the time that you normally would do an afternoon/evening feed. If he's hungry enough at that point, he'll go and try the greens just to get something into his stomach. Yesterday, Darwin hadn't touched his greens the entire day by the time I got home, and I normally feed him within 15 minutes of me arriving. So I went to go put my work stuff away and change, and literally 5 minutes later, the entire small bowl of mustard greens was gone. So he knew to expect food, and I guess that got him hungry enough to eat the rest of the greens.

Also, my dragon is shy when eating his greens, and if I notice him eating them and look at him, he'll immediately stop, glare, and go back to basking.

Blue is the SAME WAY ...... its like if i watch her start to take some bites of greens, she looks at me and runs over to bask....what is that all about? ha! arg. frustraing!! She isnt shy about eating worms and such in front of me.... :banghead:
I'm in the same boat....doing all the things you are doing...nothing. I've tried a meal worm in his bowl, under the greens, he picks the meal worm out and ignores the rest. I've gotten him to eat one tiny piece of kale. My beardie is a 14 month rescue, he's never been offered veggies before me. I offer them every day.

My lil man has stopped eating crickets too, I have repti worms on the way I hope that he will take to them. I'm taking mealies out of his diet. I also just ordered liquid calcium and vitamins. Since he's not eating his calcium dusted crickets and salads I'm going to have to put it straight in his mouth.

Wish he understood that I'm just trying to make him healthy, good luck! If you find anything that works PLEASE let me know!!

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