My beardie is just about a year old, a little over 18 inches and loves to eat. Loves to eat everything but his greens! I've tried not feeding him til he will eat them, mixing supers/crix in with the greens and trying to move the greens to get his attention! So far ive given him bok choy, kale, mustard greens, a little cilantro, collards and some strawberries as a treat and still he refuses to eat it!
Everything in his cage is good, i've already checked on all that. Basking tempts 95-105 on the hot side.
He also has been only wanting supers after i gave him a few as a treat. He used to gobble down his crix but not he only wants supers. Just now i made him eat a few reens by putting them right in front of him as he was trying to get the super but he shakes his head lke he hates it! He also refuses to eat anything when its dused with calcium! And his last two poops have been a little runny but looks like excess water and have had a little undigested parts in them which is unusual. He hasnt had any trouble pooping also ( he really only likes to go when he is in the bath or outside ) and also is his poops smelling crazy bad normal?
Thanks in advance
Everything in his cage is good, i've already checked on all that. Basking tempts 95-105 on the hot side.
He also has been only wanting supers after i gave him a few as a treat. He used to gobble down his crix but not he only wants supers. Just now i made him eat a few reens by putting them right in front of him as he was trying to get the super but he shakes his head lke he hates it! He also refuses to eat anything when its dused with calcium! And his last two poops have been a little runny but looks like excess water and have had a little undigested parts in them which is unusual. He hasnt had any trouble pooping also ( he really only likes to go when he is in the bath or outside ) and also is his poops smelling crazy bad normal?
Thanks in advance