Rash or red Abrasion on foot


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Hi everyone. Just wanted to jump on here and ask for some advice on what might be going on.

My 7 month old beardie has a little red rash or abrasion on the back of her foot. She still acts normal, has normal energy, but we have noticed a difference in her eating habits. She is eating less but we figured it might be because she is getting ready to shed. She is looking a bit white, but then we saw the rash and now were getting a little scared.

She hasnt been eating normally for about a week now. She went from 3 meals a day to about 1 and half on a good day.

She has a clean tank. I clean it several times a week and disinfect it thoroughly.

We're looking into vets in the North Hollywood area. If anyone has any recommendations, that would be great.

Thanks in advance ☺️


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BD.org Sicko
Hello, can you post pics of the enclosure ? There might be a piece of decor that she rubbed her foot against as she's climbing around. It doesn't look bad or infected, you can soak her a couple times a week in a solution of 10 parts water to 1 part betadine [ you buy in drug store ] and then apply Silver cream or neosporin [ non pain relief ] Raw honey is also good but you have to be sure there are no loose insects hiding in the tank since they would be attracted to and bite at the foor because of the honey.


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Hello, can you post pics of the enclosure ? There might be a piece of decor that she rubbed her foot against as she's climbing around. It doesn't look bad or infected, you can soak her a couple times a week in a solution of 10 parts water to 1 part betadine [ you buy in drug store ] and then apply Silver cream or neosporin [ non pain relief ] Raw honey is also good but you have to be sure there are no loose insects hiding in the tank since they would be attracted to and bite at the foor because of the honey.

We line her enclosure with a disposable paper liner and I change it every time she uses ths bathroom, so often. She has that rock that she likes to sleep next too at night. I was thinking maybe it scratched her? But its never happened before. She spends most of her days on the hammock under the light and she gets let out daily to soak in the sun next to the window or run around the apartment to get some exercise. Im always watching her so I know forsure she didnt hurt herself while being out.

I thought about Neosporin but google says it wasnt safe for her bc they have sensitive skin. Have you tried it before?

Thanks again!


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BD.org Sicko
Is that the paper that has little rough pebbles in it ? If so that's probably what did it. It's totally unnatural, they live on sand , packed sand/soil and grassy areas in the wild. A little loose rocks + gravel , trees, shrubs and logs. There may be a few rocky outcroppings but nothing like that sandpaper stuff being sold at the stores. Neosporin is fine but not the type that has pain relief in it. You can also use silver cream or raw honey, IMO it's the best.


Hatchling Member
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Hi everyone. Just wanted to jump on here and ask for some advice on what might be going on.

My 7 month old beardie has a little red rash or abrasion on the back of her foot. She still acts normal, has normal energy, but we have noticed a difference in her eating habits. She is eating less but we figured it might be because she is getting ready to shed. She is looking a bit white, but then we saw the rash and now were getting a little scared.

She hasnt been eating normally for about a week now. She went from 3 meals a day to about 1 and half on a good day.

She has a clean tank. I clean it several times a week and disinfect it thoroughly.

We're looking into vets in the North Hollywood area. If anyone has any recommendations, that would be great.

Thanks in advance ☺️
Maybe it is because of the substrate you’re using if it is because of that I would recommend to get rid of that substrate and use a different one. Some good ones are reptile carpet, tiles (slate, linoleum, or ceramic), rubber shelf liner, excavator clay and newspaper/paper towels. Or you could see a trusted reptile vet.

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