Rankins Dragons


New member
Beardie name(s)
Rex, Princess & Duchess
Hi, everyone! I'm new to this forum but not to reptiles. I have a breeding trio of Rankins Dragons and have noticed that there is not much info specific to the Beardie's smaller cousin available. I was hoping that, should I need help (or be able to offer it) I could ask here and not be sneered at simply because my gorgeous babies aren't as big?


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
Of course you wouldn't! Welcome. Please use the search option and you will find some posts about our cousins.
We are always up to sharing information and while there are similarities, as a breeder, you may have more information to share/teach.

P.S. pictures win us over.


Beardie name(s)
Ted (1 year 2 mo) Western Bearded Dragon - Pogona minor minor)
You definitely wouldn't be judged. I also have a beardie that is rare outside of Western Australia; a pogona minor minor (they are also very small) and everyone here has always kindly helped me and given such great advice. I'm sure you will enjoy your time here 😊

Also is it true that Rankins can be cohabbed together? I've read from a bearded dragon subreddit that they are social and can be cohabbed? 🤔


Hi, everyone! I'm new to this forum but not to reptiles. I have a breeding trio of Rankins Dragons and have noticed that there is not much info specific to the Beardie's smaller cousin available. I was hoping that, should I need help (or be able to offer it) I could ask here and not be sneered at simply because my gorgeous babies aren't as big?
Welcome to the forum.
No judgments spread here.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Actually most of us love any reptile as a rule, but any variety of beardie is a hit. I personly love the Rankins but have to admit i don't know much about them. We do see them here from time to time though, so post, ask questions, and enjoy the forum, some here do have knowledge on them i think and may can help you if needed. 🙂


Actually most of us love any reptile as a rule, but any variety of beardie is a hit. I personly love the Rankins but have to admit i don't know much about them. We do see them here from time to time though, so post, ask questions, and enjoy the forum, some here do have knowledge on them i think and may can help you if needed. 🙂


You definitely wouldn't be judged. I also have a beardie that is rare outside of Western Australia; a pogona minor minor (they are also very small) and everyone here has always kindly helped me and given such great advice. I'm sure you will enjoy your time here 😊

Also is it true that Rankins can be cohabbed together? I've read from a bearded dragon subreddit that they are social and can be cohabbed? 🤔
Definitely a reptile Lord as well.
Lover, not a fighter.
Sorry, beardie :/

Maybe we can work this out.?
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I found this in my bearded dragons tank help me identify it please

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