Carrie! You really do have a full house! It's true that vacations are a thing of the past. I had thought one day I would go somewhere like Europe and see...foreign things...LOL....I don't know. :lol: Maybe Ireland or Germany - but I don't see that happening, really. Not since we have all the critters that we do now. I would be devastated if I came home from vacay and something had gone wrong. Unless my sister could come live at my house while I was gone, but she lives across the country. :shock: So we do day trips, too. It's cool...I love my critters and miss them when we go away.
Deb, I want Rankins babies so badly! This morning I was feeding Sahara roaches and saying a little prayer that she will get pregnant. She is always wanting to eat and knows where to hang out in the viv so she gets to eat first. :love5: she is a little piggy.
I don't know how many eggs they lay, Otto probably has that bit of information. He is the brains behind our zoo, and I guess I am the brawn...? I have more vivs to clean...sounds like I am getting the poopy end of the deal. Hahahaha. But when it comes to planning, medications, buying supplies, that is all the husband. I do the weight tracking, data collection, worm raising, and a bit more of the viv cleaning. I think being like that we get more accomplished in a fairly organized manner considering we both work outside the home.
We are lucky that we have some different feeder colonies, too. We raise the silkworms, so we always have a constant supply, and we just saw some progress with our supers! We have teensy little super worms now, like maybe 3mm long. So it won't be long before we have this to feed off. And we have a small roach colony. We are very well planned out for having little babies, thanks to the husband. I want to learn how to make my own vivs, but I'm scared to try and mess up. Silly, I know, but still....
I would have a zoo for real if I could. :mrgreen: