Rankins & Beardie Hanging Out

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So I currently have a 14 mo MALE Rankins dragon that’s about to move into a Zen Habitats 4x2x2 120 gallon enclosure.
I saw a FEMALE 2yr beardie for sale online that comes with the same enclosure my current little guy is about to move into so they could be stacked.

They definitely would NOT share an enclosure, but is it possible they’d be okay around eachother for supervised out-of-tank time? Seeing as the beardie is a female and the male being a Rankins.


BD.org Sicko
Not really worth the risk, if the beardie decides to attack she can break bones of your Rankin.


Beardie name(s)
Alfred AKA The UlanBaby
So I currently have a 14 mo MALE Rankins dragon that’s about to move into a Zen Habitats 4x2x2 120 gallon enclosure.
I saw a FEMALE 2yr beardie for sale online that comes with the same enclosure my current little guy is about to move into so they could be stacked.

They definitely would NOT share an enclosure, but is it possible they’d be okay around eachother for supervised out-of-tank time? Seeing as the beardie is a female and the male being a Rankins.
Dont risk it


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Agreed, beardies can and are likely to try to eat anything smaller. Even if he is to big to be eaten she could severely injure him as the other post say.
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