Questions of a soon to be a beardie owner


Original Poster
Hello everyone!

I usually avoid forums of any kind, as I usually get bad experience on them.

Although, since I'm gonna be a beardie momma.. what else can I do? :D

So.. my questions are:

Any specific basking temperature for a beardie of any age? (I need that in Celsius)

How to tame them?

What to feed them? How often?

Can you "potty" train them? If so, how?

How warm should their water bath be? (Celsius)

Can baby to juvi beardies eat mealworms?
(I am scared of crickets, and hoppers [to death lol])

Or should I be getting small dubia roaches?

If any new questions arise, I'll ask here ^^

Thank you! :)


Original Poster
I gave him 3 blueberries as a snack today, and he got so scared and puffed himself up. Why would he get scared of them?

I teased him a bit to get a video of it.
Any ideas why would he act this way?


xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Omg it's ~~BLUE BERRIES~~ must run away ~~ARRGGGG~~ lol. They can decide the the weirdest things are scary lol 😆 😅 😂. On a positive note though, looks like he really trust you.


Sub-Adult Member
Photo Comp Winner
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Try cutting one in half so if smells more like fruit. Beardies can be weird about food. My girl Devlyn took over a year before she would try a blueberry, once she had one she got over it. Just keep trying now and then with new foods


Original Poster
They do get freaked out randomly at times. Those berries are pretty big though, I'd cut them in half as Dorgo mentioned because they can choke on large pieces of food. Did he eat one before he freaked out ?
He freaked out before eating all three, and he's had some few weeks ago. He back then ate a couple before I showed him that there's more in case he'd like to consume.... But.. He jumped off his platform like a cat when freaked out with a cucumber. He puffed himself up to pancake size lol.
I literally have no idea for his reasoning. I guess he's just weird about the small blue spheres?


Original Poster
He hasn't pooped for a few days :( he didn't have any insects for a bit either, until recently i got him medium dubias and locusts. All crickets at the store were alive and half dead and rest were dead :/ I wasn't able to get him some food due to private issues. Not sure if I should be worried or not..


Original Poster
Nvm he's fine lol.

Does anyone have an idea how to help a friend of mine? She's in Czech Republic and that country, man they really don't have stuff there like reptile forums. She's a bit stubborn when I tell her that a heat rock will cause more harm than good.
Beardie name(s)
First batch of crickets died off, ammonia smell burned my throat. Second batch of crickets was more hoppy than the first, and had long sticks on their butts lol. I had to use vinyl gloves to catch them, those stick things scared me. Those crickets also jumped out multiple times out of their box onto the wall, which made them look like spiders. Some time later I got hoppers. They escaped and went everywhere. I kept finding them everywhere. Never again. Nope lol. Got PTSD from all that..

So I could use mealies for my beardie? What signs should I look out for? Mainly wanna know which signs that they do harm to the animal?
The crickets with sticks on their butts are the females, that is their ovipositor that they use to lay eggs. :)
Beardie name(s)
Nvm he's fine lol.

Does anyone have an idea how to help a friend of mine? She's in Czech Republic and that country, man they really don't have stuff there like reptile forums. She's a bit stubborn when I tell her that a heat rock will cause more harm than good.
Here's a link to a good bearded dragon care book:

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