Question about lights timing for my bearded dragon

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So I’m getting a bearded dragon in the next couple weeks and I have almost everything set up how I want it, but one thing I’m not sure about is the lights timing. I’ve seen in multiple sources that 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness is a good timing. But the problem is that the beardie will be in my bedroom, cause I spend the most time there and I want to spend lots of time with him. So how would you recommend dealing with when the lights in the room are on but the beardie lights are off? Would putting a sheet over it or something like that be a good solution?

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
AM --PM? That would be too long of a day-- I would not have his lights go on till 11 AM and off at 11 PM - or have them on at 9 AM and off at 9 PM- but then you would need him covered up -- I dont know others on here are going to haft to chime in --- I turn my dragons lights on around 8 even tho I am in the room w/ them before then - and off at 8 PM - they are in my office and I work from home so I dont know about the covering up either -- I have no heard good or bad about that either --
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