Proper way of disinfect tank using F10SC


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I just received F10SC and going to disinfect my dragon's tank for the first time. Wish to confirm on some details:

1. The ratio of F10SC to water
2. Can it be sprayed on all surfaces? Is there any special surface type I should avoid?
3. After spray do I need to wipe with wet/dry rag?
4. How long after spray F10SC I can put my dragon back into the tank?

Thank you in advance.
Beardie name(s)
Copper (Male Leatherback) and Callie (Female HypoTrans Leatherback)
I just received F10SC and going to disinfect my dragon's tank for the first time. Wish to confirm on some details:

1. The ratio of F10SC to water
2. Can it be sprayed on all surfaces? Is there any special surface type I should avoid?
3. After spray do I need to wipe with wet/dry rag?
4. How long after spray F10SC I can put my dragon back into the tank?

Thank you in advance.
1. According to the instructions:
  • Environmental General Disinfection: 1:500 (2ml / 1l water)
  • High Level Disinfection 1:250 (4ml / 1l water)
  • Resistant Viruses and Bacterial Spores: 1:100 (10ml / 1l water)
  • Sterilization of instruments/equipment: 1:100 (10ml / 1l water)
With that being said, I would, personal run a 1:250

2. All surfaces should be fine, but it is always safe to do a test spot first. Spray it on a small, unseeable place, and see how it works.

3. I would spray the cleaner, wipe it down, then wipe with a wet cloth

4. I would wait 24 hours. I'd put the heat light on as well to encourage evaporation of any unseen liquid.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
1. According to the instructions:
  • Environmental General Disinfection: 1:500 (2ml / 1l water)
  • High Level Disinfection 1:250 (4ml / 1l water)
  • Resistant Viruses and Bacterial Spores: 1:100 (10ml / 1l water)
  • Sterilization of instruments/equipment: 1:100 (10ml / 1l water)
With that being said, I would, personal run a 1:250

2. All surfaces should be fine, but it is always safe to do a test spot first. Spray it on a small, unseeable place, and see how it works.

3. I would spray the cleaner, wipe it down, then wipe with a wet cloth

4. I would wait 24 hours. I'd put the heat light on as well to encourage evaporation of any unseen liquid.
Hi thanks for your reply. I'm also thinking about 1:250 which is the middle option of the 3 recommended ratio.

For no.3, do you mean to spray the mixture on a wag and wipe through, then immediately wipe it away with a wet cloth? Won't it be like it doesn't have the time to stay on the surface to disinfect?
Beardie name(s)
Copper (Male Leatherback) and Callie (Female HypoTrans Leatherback)
Hi thanks for your reply. I'm also thinking about 1:250 which is the middle option of the 3 recommended ratio.

For no.3, do you mean to spray the mixture on a wag and wipe through, then immediately wipe it away with a wet cloth? Won't it be like it doesn't have the time to stay on the surface to disinfect?
You should be able to spray directly on the service and wipe with a rag 5-10 seconds later

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