Post-Brumation and more bonding between the guys

Since Taco is back from brumation, he has gradually ramped up to his normal pre-brumation behavior (eating well, liking his salads, pooping, basking, exploring, coming out early in the morning from his burrow). So nice to see :)
He's a bit more active than before, I would say - now 13 months old, no head bobbing or acting out but just more active, exploring more, and at the same time more used to being handled and more knowing what to expect. He even wanted out on the previous two days (his average so far was: out once a week or every two weeks), and yesterday even twice (once with my husband during the day, once with me late afternoon). Yep, out with my husband :) I love that my husband now also dares (!) to take him out, isn't afraid of touching him anymore, and they seem to enjoy hanging out together. My husband showed him the fish tank close-up, let him explore a bit in the office, let him snuggle at his neck and then put him back in the enclosure. Love that :) I remember months ago when I did similar things, my husband was more like "😒she dares to touch this creature, brave!😲", "you know, when you travel for work, I feed him, I clean up his poo, but nothing more".


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Yes, he never had a reptile as a pet before, never had any close contact to reptiles and avoided them as far as possible (e.g.: at exhibitions, ranger stations... just watching and never interacting and rather going a step back). Same with insects and arachnids.
He's always been fine with pets/ animals that he associates with the "cute fluffball" (cat, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, budgie) or small fish, but anything more similar to wildlife (reptiles, insects, rats and mice...) was always a big no-no.

But one can learn and can overcome misconceptions. I remember years ago he was also very afraid of all kinds of insects - even caterpillars and feared things they simply cannot do (will this jump into my face?). Nowadays he comments their interesting colors :)
Or - two things at once - hand-feeds Taco with insects 🌞

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