Ok, so i posted on here a few weeks ago about my baby bearded dragon (6-8 weeks old) not eating and acting very lethargic. I got a few replies, on what to do, and most of them said it could be do to shedding, because he was still shedding at the time. He still has not eaten a thing, and it has been 3 weeks now since he last ate a good amount (he ate one cricket two days ago, and nothing since then). I took him to the vet about a week or two ago, and he said to wait it out, and that my bearded dragon (named Spike btw) seemed pretty healthy, and that it seemed that we were doing everything right, and the husbandry was fine. However he hasn't improved, and I believe it has gotten worse. I have been doing tons and tons of research, and came up with a possible solution, that he is dehydrated. He is lethargic, won't eat, he somewhat perks up after me giving him a bath (which I do once a day now, because I thought it was because of the shedding), and his skin has been very wrinkled (may also be wrinkled due to weight loss, I'm not sure), and when I did the skin test thing, his skin took a while to back to the same spot. I have no idea if I'm right about him being dehydrated or not, but I need help. I am very new to reptiles, and don't know much on what to do in this situation. PLEASE HELP!!!
Husbandry Info:
Tank size: 20gal.
Temp. on basking side: 95-110 degrees F.
Temp on cool side: 79-84 degrees F.
Has a basking rock on the basking side, has a piece of bark/wood on the cool side that he can hide under(even though he never does) or that he can use for shedding. He also has his food and water on the cool side. Has a small stick for him to climb on in the middle, even though he doesn't really climb on it anymore due to the extreme lethargy.
Humidity: recently bought a humidity gauge, and turn out the humidity is 0 (good or bad thing???)
Husbandry Info:
Tank size: 20gal.
Temp. on basking side: 95-110 degrees F.
Temp on cool side: 79-84 degrees F.
Has a basking rock on the basking side, has a piece of bark/wood on the cool side that he can hide under(even though he never does) or that he can use for shedding. He also has his food and water on the cool side. Has a small stick for him to climb on in the middle, even though he doesn't really climb on it anymore due to the extreme lethargy.
Humidity: recently bought a humidity gauge, and turn out the humidity is 0 (good or bad thing???)