Gray-bearded Member
- Beardie name(s)
- Daisy, Loki, Rocket, Phoenix, Mulder & Scully. Non beardie pets: Stan (Leo) Cayde (Hognose) Tillery (cat)
As the title suggests, I just got back home from being away on vacation for 8 days, I had my uncle come and feed them every 2 days however he is not a reptile guy and wouldn’t have noticed this. I finally have had a chance to take a close look at all of my beardies and check for anything before cleaning their enclosures. I went to check on my beardie Mulder and was horrified to see that he has developed some sort of a mostly hard lump/bump underneath his eye.
I have no idea what could have caused this but it most definitely happened over the week because that was NOT there when I left.
My guesses so far are potential cyst, abscess, or tumor, and I’m praying it’s benign and not cancerous. I’m getting my mom to contact the vet ASAP but unfortunately we have a thoroughly packed week and will be extremely busy with things we cannot cancel or fluctuate schedules/time on, so I’m fearing the only possible time that he could be seen is Monday. I’m going to watch this as closely as I possibly can and hope it doesn’t spread or grow, but I’m overall extremely concerned and would highly appreciate any tips/info/advice on what I can do in the meantime. My guess is that we can’t figure out what this is exactly unless we get a biopsy or something, we’ll see.
Thankfully, Mulder seems to be acting, moving, headbobbing, eating and pooping just fine. And for some backstory on him, before anyone comments on his appearance, Mulder is a rescue. Mulder was special needs and used to have severe MBD. He was slightly deformed because of it, but he’s made a full recovery since and does just fine, he’s just a little wonky looking but he was given a clean bill of health and free of MBD, so please don’t comment on his appearance and tell me he has MBD. He had it in one of his previous homes and has since recovered under my care. He used to be paralyzed from the waist down but is now able to walk and move perfectly fine like any other beardie, he just waddles and walks funky, but he’s okay now. I still classify him as special needs even though he isn’t really anymore.
Thankfully the other side of his face/eye looks fine and has no swellings of bumps anywhere, and I can’t find or feel any more abnormal bumps anywhere on him. (Yes the bump at the base of his tail is normal, if I can remember correctly it’s from a very old fracture from his previous homes when he had MBD still. It’s healed, just weirdly.) he’s very alert and active too which is a great sign, but nonetheless I’m still very concerned about the bump. I’ve never seen anything like this before with my beardies and I’m kinda freaking out inside because I really didn’t need any more stress this week
But yeah, any advice or tips on what I can do until I get him seen by a vet would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
I have no idea what could have caused this but it most definitely happened over the week because that was NOT there when I left.
My guesses so far are potential cyst, abscess, or tumor, and I’m praying it’s benign and not cancerous. I’m getting my mom to contact the vet ASAP but unfortunately we have a thoroughly packed week and will be extremely busy with things we cannot cancel or fluctuate schedules/time on, so I’m fearing the only possible time that he could be seen is Monday. I’m going to watch this as closely as I possibly can and hope it doesn’t spread or grow, but I’m overall extremely concerned and would highly appreciate any tips/info/advice on what I can do in the meantime. My guess is that we can’t figure out what this is exactly unless we get a biopsy or something, we’ll see.
Thankfully, Mulder seems to be acting, moving, headbobbing, eating and pooping just fine. And for some backstory on him, before anyone comments on his appearance, Mulder is a rescue. Mulder was special needs and used to have severe MBD. He was slightly deformed because of it, but he’s made a full recovery since and does just fine, he’s just a little wonky looking but he was given a clean bill of health and free of MBD, so please don’t comment on his appearance and tell me he has MBD. He had it in one of his previous homes and has since recovered under my care. He used to be paralyzed from the waist down but is now able to walk and move perfectly fine like any other beardie, he just waddles and walks funky, but he’s okay now. I still classify him as special needs even though he isn’t really anymore.
Thankfully the other side of his face/eye looks fine and has no swellings of bumps anywhere, and I can’t find or feel any more abnormal bumps anywhere on him. (Yes the bump at the base of his tail is normal, if I can remember correctly it’s from a very old fracture from his previous homes when he had MBD still. It’s healed, just weirdly.) he’s very alert and active too which is a great sign, but nonetheless I’m still very concerned about the bump. I’ve never seen anything like this before with my beardies and I’m kinda freaking out inside because I really didn’t need any more stress this week
But yeah, any advice or tips on what I can do until I get him seen by a vet would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.