Possible Respiratory infection?

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My 3 year old male bearded dragpn has been coughing every so often this week and doing this opening his mouth really wide which sounds like a cough as well. His colors seem fine and I believe hes about to shed though. I don't see any fluids coming from his mouth, eyes, or nose. He has a healthy appetite. I dont have any money to take him to the vet though because I'm only 16 and we are in a bind so there isn't any money to do so.

Is there anyway he could recover from this? I mean I atleast think its a respiratory infection.

He lives in a 75 gal long tank with a 100 watt CHE that goes on at night but for the day time he has a 100watt basking bulb for the hot sides and a 60 watt for the cold side. He had a reptiglow 10.0 UVB but a few days ago a friend sent me a Reptisun so he has that now.


Gray-bearded Member
What are the basking temps? How are you measuring them? Do you hear any popping or crackling coming from your beardie? Good jobs with getting the Reptisun, is it the tube or the coil?


Gray-bearded Member
Hi there! If it is respiratory infection, you will need antibiotics for him. You should message Tracie (Drache613), try to get a video of the cough, and she may be able to help you dose the baytril.


Original Poster
His temp on the basking side is about 95 degrees moer or less and I use a digital thermometer for the temps.
I don't hear any noises coming from him though. He's just been acting normal besides the coughing and what not.


Hatchling Member
I think you need to talk to Tracie, she will keep you from spending money on unneeded things, and will point you in the right direction, on exactly how to help your dragon.
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She finally woke up, it‘s almost noon!!
Lizardlover9000 wrote on xp29's profile.
Hey, I just saw one of your posts from a few months ago, I’m sorry for your loss of Sweet Pea and Zen, I know that’s really rough, and I’ll keep you in my prayers!
Lizardlover9000 wrote on Lyrebird.Rainwing's profile.
Heyy….if you like WoF… is there a chance you like the book series Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter?
Lizardlover9000 wrote on Plutonium's profile.
‘Ello mate!
Larry didn’t want to move from my hand this particularly chilly morning 🤣

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