- Beardie name(s)
- Glenn
The white long thing is his poop and the green stuff is his poop.what is the screen stuff in the tank and white?
The white long thing is his poop and the green stuff is his poop.what is the screen stuff in the tank and white?
Oh - get a fecal take in for testing- go from there- are your surface basking temps and uvb up to par?That’s my table place mat under the tank carrier lol
Does it not look normal to you? Someone said it looked normal. And yes basking temp and uvb is goodOh - get a fecal take in for testing- go from there- are your surface basking temps and uvb up to par?
Yes it looks good- usually if they have parasites the poop is real runny and smells to high heaven- I would drop the crickets see if the smell gets betterDoes it not look normal to you? Someone said it looked normal. And yes basking temp and uvb is good