Can I get some feedback on my bearded dragon poop. If was firm for a while but past few months she’s over year now. She only poops once a week and it’s nasty. Huge watery.
I took her to vet for check up and saw a little constapation but nothing too serious. This was month ago. They gave me some laxative and she went.
Now it’s still seems weird, her lighting is good but she just sunbathe and watch tv most day.
I give her different greens, some water on greens, crickets, worms, small berries like twice month. Calcium, vitamins and bee pollen.
Here’s poop shot, once a week. Is this normal?
I took her to vet for check up and saw a little constapation but nothing too serious. This was month ago. They gave me some laxative and she went.
Now it’s still seems weird, her lighting is good but she just sunbathe and watch tv most day.
I give her different greens, some water on greens, crickets, worms, small berries like twice month. Calcium, vitamins and bee pollen.
Here’s poop shot, once a week. Is this normal?