Thanks everyone!
I just absolutely adore Gianna! She already has so much spunk and determination to do things her way, like jumping out of her tank only 4 days of being with me (where 1.5 of those were with my parents more than me).
Funny feeding story: I placed her in her feeding bin this morning and dumped about 5 crickets inside. She sat there completely motionless for the longest time, then started to get antsy so I picked her up. After sitting on my hand for about 10 minutes, I lowered her down to see the crickets for the odd chance that perhaps she'd change her mind. She did lunge at the bin just as a cricket walked by, so I put her back in thinking that she wanted to eat. Uh, nope! As soon as she was in, she wanted out again. OK, fine, I'll pick you up again. Shortly after holding her, again, I thought, "I wonder if she'd eat at least one cricket if I handed it to her." WELL, 7 crickets later, she was content once again. Yup, I'm :whip: