Pookie's Minions - Pookie's Gone ☹

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BD.org Sicko
Staff member
OH NO, I don't know what to say. She was doing better. I am SO terribly sorry. I can't imagine what you went through and are going through. :cry: :cry: :cry:

R.I.P. dear sweet Zoey


beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
Oh, Gina. I'm sooo sorry! I know how much it hurts, especially when they are soo young and you expect them to be around for many years. I got home from work and took a nap to get up to this. If I can do anything for you, let me know.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Oh Gina, I am so sorry to hear this, please let me know if there's anything I can do...I know you're in alot of pain...RIP sweet Zoey,
Take care


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
Thanks everyone for your sympathies. I am so sad that I'm literally numb from all emotions. It's surreal that Zoey's gone -- I had wished that she'd be sitting high up basking on her tree branch when I got home last night, instead of laying motionless on the wash cloth.

She woke up when the lights went on, crawled out of the blankie and onto the floor, ate some baby food, then started to twitch while basking. Then she fell to the floor and started to wiggle around until she ended up under the tree branch, where she curled up and started having seizures. I was in/out of the bedroom at the time and the second time I came back in, she was at the front of the tank, on her back. I immediately flipped her over and held her in my palm. She then continued to have seizures and very labored breathing. Every time she settled down, she'd turn her head and look up at me, then she'd close her eyes again and have another seizure episode. The first time she bit her tongue, but once she was in my hand, she grabbed onto my finger instead. (baby bites do hurt when they chomp down with all their might)
At ~9:15am, her breathing was so slow that I had to stroke her back to get her going again (a few times I thought she was gone). A couple of minutes later, I got a wash cloth and placed her on it with hopes that I could quickly hop in the shower and she'd have something to bite down on in case she had more seizures. Within less than a minute of placing her on the wash cloth, both of her back legs twitched a little bit and she was gone.
After confirming she had passed away, I went to tell Pookie and he seemed to have understood why I was kneeling in front of him (he was still on the ladder) and balling my eyes out even before I said anything. His eyes got really big and looked at me with a strange look to his eyes. After I told him the sad news, he turned his head to not look at me until I walked away. Later, I took him into the bedroom to see his daughter for the last time and he turned all sorts of orange/yellow colors.
Watching Zoey go through the seizures brought back all sorts of awful memories of Hallie's last days. It was just awful.
The strangest thing about the morning was that Zoey had on the prettiest and most vibrant colors ever. All of her patterns were popping, along with the green sidebars. She even had a creamy white belly! That made her passing even harder to accept.

Here are the last pics I took of Zoey:

Hiding in her stuffed dragon: (8/28, 9:48am)

Doing the infamous baby vertical sleeping position: (7:42pm)


BD.org Sicko
Oddly enough I wanted to know what happened when at the same time I didn't want to know. :cry: :cry:
I personally have never experienced anything like that, but I can only imagine what that must have been like to see and experience. :cry: :cry:

Hugs Gina!

Have any of the other babies from that clutch had any issues that you know of?
Was she the littlest of the babies? Sorry this isn't the time to ask. :oops:

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
Again, I'm sorry Gina. I had feeling this afternoon that something was wrong with Zoey that no one could tell, until it was too late. It wasn't anyone's fault but it hurts just the same. I hope you are o.k. Gina.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
Shortly before 8pm, MoMo had proudly stole Digi's cave, but after waiting for a half hour or so for Digi to make her way over to the other side of their house, she gave up and "snaked" her way over to snuggle up with her sister for night night.


Wider angle of where MoMo "snaked" from (between the other cave and the tree branch, instead of the easy open side).

Another proof that MoMo's constant need to squeeze into Digi's cave was just to be next to her sister.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Thanks for the pics, Gina, and again, I'm so sorry to hear about Zoey, poor little darling, and poor you to have to watch what she was going through, so difficult when you don't know what to do to help. My heart is sore for you, I know how you're grieving, wish there was something I could do to help. Just know we're all here for you,
Take care
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