Pookie's Minions - Pookie's Gone ☹

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Gray-bearded Member
Wow they are all so beautiful!! It really is amazing how they all have such different patterns to them. I can't wait to see which baby you decide to keep.


beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
Wow, Gina they are soo adorable! It looked like one was a little scared, maybe it was just scared of the camera. I remember Goldie used to beard me when I was outside with my sunglasses on. She was fine after I talked to her and she realized who it was. She didn't recognize me until I took the glasses off. She finally got used to seeing me with them on and didn't beard as much.


BD.org Sicko
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I didn't go home with a baby last night. I couldn't decided on dark vs. hypo or male vs. female, so I'm going to sleep on it for another week or so.

A few of them Tom was able to determine the gender. The two hypos pictured on my hand were both males.
Diane, we weren't able to find any "feisty" ones :wink:

The babies were indeed afraid of the camera, especially the closeup shots.

Jasper's Mom

BD.org Addict
Gina, because they are Pookie and Digi's babies, I would imagine they will ALL be feisty!

They are all sooo pretty. I don't envy you the task of having to choose! (OK, yes I do!)


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
Hi Sandi!
Other than being scared of the big flashy silver box, they were so laid back and almost all had creamy white bellies, even after being picked up.
According to Tom, if neither parent were feisty to begin with, it's very unlikely that the babies would unless they were mistreated from the start. And given both Pookie and Digi's laid back nature (for exception of when Pookie sees his nemesis the groundhog), I highly doubt any of their babies would be anything else.

Diane - has Josh decided on which baby he wanted based on the colors/markings? Maybe in the next week and a half someone will develop an attitude to suit Josh's requirements :wink:


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Gina, I didn't expect that you would be ready to make your final decision yet. Bet you had a wonderful time with all of them and that the time with them went very fast. We could hear you talking to them in the video, it was so cute.

By "feisty", we didn't mean aggressive behavior but just meant any that stood out as being more active or doing something really cute that got your attention above the others. They are all so adorable. If it's ok, we'd like a wk or so to make the final decision just like you're thinking about doing. Is that ok?

It's amazing how different their colors are. Did you share their pictures with any of your adults or Zim?


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
diamc":1frgoo5c said:
Gina, I didn't expect that you would be ready to make your final decision yet. Bet you had a wonderful time with all of them and that the time with them went very fast. We could hear you talking to them in the video, it was so cute.

By "feisty", we didn't mean aggressive behavior but just meant any that stood out as being more active or doing something really cute that got your attention above the others. They are all so adorable. If it's ok, we'd like a wk or so to make the final decision just like you're thinking about doing. Is that ok?

It's amazing how different their colors are. Did you share their pictures with any of your adults or Zim?
The time sure did go by fast. I would've loved another hour or two or three :mrgreen:
I knew what you meant :wink: Maybe because they're only 2.5 weeks old, they have yet to develop a unique personality? They all sure were adorable and precious in their own little way.

Diane, you take as long as you want . . . well, not quite, just decide before 9/7 or the babies will be packed up for the Poconos' expo :wink:

I had shown a few of the baby pics to Pookie after I downloaded them, but he wasn't interested. I think our trip to PA stressed him out and sort of depressed him too, because after coming back into the house, he immediately climbed up on my laptop and had been camped out on the keyboard ever since :(


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Were you able to narrow your decision down to a few of them? If there's a particular one that you are drawn too, we sure want to be sure that we don't choose that particular one. Will definitely decide before the 9/7 date.

I noticed there were a couple that are smaller and look a little more frail than the others, hopefully they will be able to catch up soon.

That one that was scratching like crazy in the corner of the bath container was very determined and was having a good time.

Poor Pookie must have been so confused. Hope Digi isn't showing any signs of more eggs.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
Don't be silly! Pick away at your heart's content! I'd be happy with any of them just because of the simple fact that they're my babies' babies.
Yeah, a few of them were much smaller. That's to be expected when there's more than 2 housed together. After their bath, Tom separated the smallest ones and placed them together. But even though they were smaller in size, they still had the fight to move just as fast as the bigger ones while in the bath.

Pookie must've understood the visit and is sad that he'll soon be 3x removed from being my baby.
(he just stretched out his right arm and touched my hand, first time he moved his limbs since I sat down to use the computer -- coincidence?)

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
Gina, they are soo adorable. One has a nice orange type color pattern on it's back. If I could afford to feed a baby beardie, well, you all know what I'm thinking. It would have to be a female as we don't want Rosie to have to stay in her viv when another beardie is outside, she's not used to it, especially at 4 years old. Our first priority is to Rosie as our daughter. Parents of human children, I understand it's not the same thing but to those of us that don't have human children, our scaley family members are our kids.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Lori, my boys are just like my children, even if my son is 28 & is on his own. I consider them all my little toddlers :mrgreen: I'll stay home when I'm not having to go out for whatever reason just to spend time with them, this weekend I put up with 85F heat (which is really hot for me, even if not for you guys) just to spend two days with them. They are such fun & I just love to play with them (even if not all at the same time!)

Gina, I know you'll pick the one you're meant to have & so will Diane; I'm glad Tom put the smaller ones together, sometimes the bigger ones get bigger just by stepping on the littler ones, when it comes to food. But they all seemed to be enjoying that bath. A couple were stepping on others to get to the sides, they're so funny when they're little.

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
I'm sorry, Deb, you have told us that before but I forgot. I'm glad some mothers of human children love beardies as much as they do their human kids.


Gray-bearded Member
ha ha Lori & Deb, we have 4 human kids... and when they act up, I am tempted to admit that I like the spikey kids more... LOL

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
Rosie is enjoying sleeping on my shoulder. I keep picking her up to kiss her and talk to her as I was at work all afternoon, and all day tomorrow. She sleeps through it all, probably ignoring my attention so she can sleep. She sleeps deeper than Goldie ever did.
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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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